
Speaking of Chunklet, Steve Albini and Urge Overkill….
The former ran a blog entry called "Urge Overkill Were Once A Very Good Band", discussing the history of the band and including mp3s of their obscure "Strange, I" EP released by Steve Albini's Ruthless Records. It's a good read, and a great listen….

He's seen the LincVolt and the damage done.

Burgess Meredith? No, he slipped - and fell in the mud. Ruining the very pants he was about to return.

sounds like the last thing I'd want to see. Ever.


The Burning Question:
Will there be any hosers on this show? I only made it through about 30 seconds of the above trailer before I decided my time could be used in a more productive manner.

New Year's Eve anywhere is really pretty obnoxious.

Perhaps "Chain Of Fools" could run during the credits….

That would be nice. It would be nice to have the outgoing governor of Florida do something sensible but ultimately pointless before we Floridians inaugurate the crowd of assholes who will inevitably spend their terms doing senseless and harmful shit to this state. Good thing I'm out of this state next summer…

When I first heard Creed I thought it was an especially bad new song by Pearl Jam. You can probably guess, based on this comment, how I feel about Pearl Jam. Creed comparisons are rarely flattering.
"Spin the Black Circle" was alright though.

Devil's Foodcake, your grasp of the first amendment is pretty shaky. You see, it only prevents the guv'mint from intruding on your speech. Private corporations, businesses, and private citizens aren't included. For example, when bartending one night, a patron called a friend of mine at the bar a fat bitch. I kicked

Oh for fuck's sake
Paging the Mark David Chapman of our generation to Kanye's House. Repeat…..

Neil Young's Coke Booger
A friend of mine bought this at a rock n' roll memorabilia auction. Sooo jealous.

Nah, I've seen Marilyn Manson and Bradford Cox in the same room before. They were playing Dance Dance Revolution together at a bowling alley.

Limeade, that reminds me of the most nonsensical, but hilarious, insult I've ever seen used on the internet:
"Who taught you how to fuck, was it a friend or family member?"

ZMF would need some sort of Max Headroom-avatar. Knowing what that dude looks like would ruin it for me

This person is abetting my derailing of this thread.

Ah wash mahself with a rag on a stick.

I remember reading in a profile about Biden that mid-dinner with Hamid Karzai, he got up, muttered something along the lines of "this is a waste of my time", and walked out of the room. I like that in a politician.
What I don't like is this damn Outsourced ad on both sides of the screen. Let me take care of that real

What spicoli said, but with a link!