
I for one am rooting for a vicious, bloodthirsty crew of those guys who ride those damn 2 story bikes to start fucking with SAMCRO, if only for the ridiculous imagery of a vicious, bloodthirsty crew of those guys who ride those damn 2 story bikes fucking with SAMCRO. Having not watched any of the 2nd season, I really


You know, I thought this guy was getting a bad rap, but fuck, I'm starting to think he deserves it. I live in Tallahassee currently. Not a lot to do here. But me and the friends I've made find stuff to do nonetheless. We go to bars. We play in bands. We throw parties. Same shit people in NYC do. I wish I lived in a

I hope this extremely talented individual is able to fend off his personal demons and return to his band. After all, his is an integral part of the band. They just couldn't carry on without some asshole with maracas dancing around.

"Through the lighting rigging?!?! Onto a speaker?!?!"

Fucking Jump Start. Needs to Jump Stop.

Put this in your pipe and smoke it
Apparently, El-P did a remix of a Justin Bieber track. Heard it last night.

Wow. Nothing else to say but WOW.

I'm talking about that piece of garbage with the dad who's a cop, and the mom who's a nurse, and they won't fucking stop having babies. And there's a fucking 3 year old named "Doctor" in there too.

Me, I'm surprised they still haven't posted about Justin Bieber being nominated for a couple of BET awards.

My Funnies Enemy List
Now, if we can just get the guys behind these strips to retire….

You pretty much hit the nail on the head there, Denby. Of course, Mallard Fillmore will never acknowledge this, for I am pretty damn sure the cartoonist in question calls himself an Independent voter….you know, one of those Independent voters that has never voted for anyone with a (D) behind their names.

I prefer the episode of "The A-Team" with Boy George. They don't make TV or androgynous pop stars like they used to, by gar.

This movie demonstrates a part of Quantum Dating theory that I call "the filtration principle". Basically, movies like this help me identify people I have no business dating, without the "dating someone for a month or two before I realize they are retarded" part.

I think I saw that right moments after that Klaus Nomi Lite-Brite ad.

R. Kelly is a performer/entertainer that works primarily in the genre that the RZA so poetically described as "Rap & Bullshit". Fuck R. Kelly and every musical endeavor he has taken on thus far.


My first exposure to him was the cloying "I still love New York", which is at best the musical equivalent to one of those shirts tourists buy to advertise that they are tourists, at worst a really tasteless piece of alt-country pap. Nothing I've heard since then has impressed me.

All except *Runs in front of a moving car*

Yeah, that pipe had definitely seen some recent usage.