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    Community has one showrunner. The term is being used incorrectly here.

    I don't know why you people hate having the plot recapped but love having you're favourite line of the night transcribed. Besides which, I think the reviewer did more than enough overthinking for a show whose only goal is to be funny.

    No question, Hunger shits all over Shame.

    I gave it an honest go - 10 consecutive Season 2 episodes - and I honestly didn't care for it. It wasn't awful, but I guess I just didn't find the characters as charming as the show's fans do. Bill Lawrence's wife was awful just like she was in the second half of Scrubs' run, and her husband on the show is pretty

    In the article, he's counting mandolins (plural). Also, it's another thing he admits his parents paid for.

    Thank you. I read the Time article and something felt a little off about it, but I didn't understand what it was exactly until you laid it out here, exaggerating slightly for comic effect. Very helpful, and very very funny.


    The Office isn't close to cancellation at all. It's still easily NBC's highest rated show. John Krasinski doesn't have a movie career, and would have already extended his contract before this season began. And Ed Helms presumably signed up for the standard 7 years when he joined the cast, so that's two more seasons

    Finding boring stories boring isn't a character flaw.

    "Fox of all places"?

    No one cares.

    Have you never watched Question Time? -Because it's a fucking joke. No one is held accountable for anything; one side asks a question, while the other evades said question. There's a lot of yelling, a lot of lame jokes, and a fuck tonne of backbenchers' nodding. It's a complete waste of time.

    You're right. Because it is, of course, completely legal to pay copyright holders what YOU think they deserve, and if they disagree to just tell them to fuck off.

    Shakespeare in Love isn't considered a drama by anyone.

    You're not even doing it right.

    It's not funny anymore.

    78,000 the week before.

    Couldn't hurt, could it? It pulled but 118,000 viewers last week.

    Holy shit. Again with the not mentioning The Life and Times of Tim.

    No, he's a quadroon.