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    Baseball's why? Okay. That's what I was wondering.

    "Reilly was also pushed on the decision to bench hits Glee and New Girl for three weeks".

    Because it's a business, dipshit.

    I asked a young person and no, it's not.

    It probably isn't a reference to anything, just a joke about how British shoes "give you closure". (And it's a pretty tired joke too, I don't know why everyone thinks Cougarton Abbey is so funny).

    It's the best. Why even the AV Club is barely cognisant of its existence, I can't understand.

    Big agree. I watched those first three or four seasons over and over in high school.

    Season 5 is when JD's fantasies started melding with reality. Scrubs didn't get terrible over night, it was a slippery slope to insufferable wackiness that all started in the fifth season. (Season 8 was kind of a return to form; not peak form, but it didn't out and out suck.)

    On Scrubs: "seasons three through six or so". No. Seasons one through four. Also, it's been canceled for a couple years now, so you don't have to be all "there was a time…".


    I didn't mind it. And whatever it's faults, Todd's idea is much worse. A third act reveal that they're all one man who has the ability to change faces? There's no way that wouldn't come off as ridiculous. A gimmicky premise like this needs to shared with the audience upfront. Making it the twist would at least leave

    A friend of the CEO. The CEO who James Spader just replaced.


    Well, it has been. I've - we've - noticed it, even if you haven't.

    New Girl isn't bad. The pilot sucked, but it's fast becoming a pretty good show.

    Haven't seen it in three years or something, but I remember most of the stuff that wasn't Berry and Fulcher playing themselves as being pretty lame. Except the sketches where they were in a recording studio and famous people kept interrupting them. One or two of those were really good.

    He was only in about two scenes.

    I also doubt it was his choice. The pilot for this was likely filmed before the HIMYM part came along, so HTBAG had first call.

    The cast and crew have steady jobs, and audiences have something to look forward to when Fall comes around?

    Most US shows aren't technically canceled, the network just doesn't order another season. Just like in the UK. But if the creative end would have liked to continue if given the chance, the effect is the same. And the people behind the original *did* want a second season.
    And as a blanket statement, "there's no