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    As near as I can tell, he was using the interrotron in Fast, Cheap & Out of Control as well, though instead of a completely black background, he uses other things, presumably the subject's places of work or what have you. (They're not digital like in later films, and not at all distracting, but they're nothing like

    I'm sure that was the joke he was making.

    I love the interrotron, and I think the high point of Morris's style was Mr. Death, when the subject was only ever talking directly into camera, and edits weren't hidden at all - he just cut to black between interview segments.
    Beginning with First Person, he starts trying to mask cuts with the use of one or more

    The Season 2 premiere definitely did have the new credits.

    It's at least as good as Six Feet Under was.

    It's not at my library, could you elaborate?

    It never "could have been one of the all-time greats", like posited above. I think it's like the third or fourth episode where Batista is revealed to have been kicked out by his wife. It's the hammiest thing ever, and it has nothing to do with the rest of the episode. There was also, from the beginning, the

    Maybe it's funny in person, but it doesn't work in print at all.

    The monkey was only there for half a season pretty early on. Probably something the "suits" foisted on them. Not that it's the classic everyone makes out, but it was perfectly alright. For a few seasons anyway.

    There must be a more elegant way of phrasing that.

    By all means call it that before you see a single episode. Don't let the good will the creators have surely built up over the last two "great" and "really good" seasons stop you.

    "…because I was bloody raping her."

    No, not really.

    "Just look at the various talking heads discussing HOECS (say it out loud) games, invented SMS slang, and Nonce Sense, giving deadpanned takes on extremely silly notions that are so similar to Neil Fox’s “crabs = pedophiles” nonsense (and so seamlessly integrated into the special’s whiplash-inducing milieu) that it’s

    Fear X sucked dick, but Pusher 2 and 3 are both fantastic.

    I expect that's what it's going for. But it fails completely.

    Nah, I already did. *Very* average. Of course, my expectations were very low.

    Obviously the kind of thing in this episode isn't on. I'm just warning against overcorrection.

    Girls love it when you ask for permission any time you want to try something; especially at dinner, hours before hand. Nothing kills a mood like spontaneity.