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    There's a surprising long wikipedia article on the "flautist" vs. "flutist" debate, if you're interested. And who isn't?

    This is true. It's still not great, but it isn't plain awful anymore.

    He means "loser" in a different sense to the one you're thinking of.

    Season 2's brilliant.

    Sure, if you're old as fuck.

    The CDC website says 6 hours if digested, 8 hours if inhaled.

    The Sex Pistols really were one of a kind. Except they weren't.

    Tuning in for the season finale is always the best way to become invested in a show's characters and interested in what happens to them.

    The character Lake Bell plays takes up about a third of the focus, and no one says it about Bored to Death.
    It's just that because of the Mark Wahlberg connection everyone was fearing another Entourage. Now that we're in the second season, though, you'd think at least fans of the show would stop mentioning it.

    In what sense is it like Entourage?

    You're right about Cheers. And aside from a fantasy sequence towards the end of the season, Dianne's apartment was the only other set used in the entire second season.

    I'd say she looks worse, but I'd thought she'd just aged poorly.

    Before she was pregnant. Season 3. But only kind of.

    That joke isn't any better.

    See the destruction of the hotel from the last season - they just half-ass this kind of thing.

    CBS wouldn't bother ordering another season without him, would it? The numbers last season weren't that great.

    Yeah, wrong. Breaking Bad delivered one of its best ever episodes, and the HIMYM premiere was just another mediocre outing from a show once capable of so much more. Even if we're only judging it next to last season, it was but a B.

    Not being a high level Netflix exec, I can only speculate. BUT it seems probable that they totally wanted to wait but it turned out that it was impossible to negotiate for content with the studios while they (the studios) could still make plenty of money from DVD rentals.

    You'll be back. Maybe it'll take a couple of months, maybe it'll take a couple of years, but you'll be back.

    It's seems trite to point out, but apparently everyone's stupid today: DVDs had poor selection compared to VHS when they first became available.