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    They're not idiots, they're the people who got Netflix where it is today. i.e. the position where restructuring the company effects a fuck tonne of people. Obviously they're not trying to grow the mail portion of their services. They're very deliberately putting it out to pasture so as to focus on the streaming part.

    No sarcasm, but this is called progress. Streaming is obviously the way of the future, and sooner or later the "mailing DVDs to people" part of the equation was going to become unprofitable. Maybe they're jumping the gun a bit, and it'll hurt in the short term, but if you look a little further down the line it's a

    Moore really was annoying in this. Especially the scene where he's screaming out the hotel window. Ugh.

    By the way, Entourage is generating ad revenue for SBS. SBS is severely underfunded by the government and ad revenue from Entourage, South Park, Mad Men, etc. are used - along with a very very tiny fraction of your tax dollars - to fund the foreign language services SBS was set up to deliver. In no way are you paying

    It's aired long past that. Those are repeats. Further, all seven seasons before this one have aired on pay-tv - just like in the US - and are available on DVD.

    I wouldn't have sat through the credits if I didn't see there were still three minutes remaining on VLC. You can't blame him for switching it off after a such a nothing finale like that.

    How to Make It in America is an affable enough show. I know you probably haven't seen past the first episode, if that, but I'll continue.

    Lake Bell gets almost ten times as many hits on Google.

    You were disappointed that something might be a little better than you had thought it would be.

    Thankfully, we get the internet here too and you can download the shows you'd like to watch. Get one of your children or maybe a younger coworker to show you how.

    *white guilt

    Didn't the show she was on get canceled?

    The Russian didn't steal his car. And he's really just a MacGuffin for an amazing episode, isn't he? You can't be sitting there as the credits roll thinking, "I wonder if they'll find the Russian next week. And how it will affect Tony's business."

    Red-blooded fits best, I think.

    Leslie says that Chris wants the new idea to be revenue raising, and public parks obviously don't make money.

    That was an amazing ending.

    He probably just likes acting in small films instead of clocking in everyday on a sitcom. It's not like Shelley Long leaving Cheers.

    Bringing up lines from later in the series doesn't really prove anything. The Principal and the Pauper could be the point at which the writers stopped caring about continuity. And that could be why it's declined in quality.

    I think James L Brooks forced it, since he was a producer on The Critic as well.

    It got filled in in the Paul Scheer episode They haven't built a park on it yet though, and it didn't get mentioned much at all last season.