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    Yeah, that plot was properly concluded at the end of Season 1. And not only was there an entire episode devoted to it in Season 2, there were a few offhand references to it too. For instance, when Mark enters Leslie's house, he says something like "it looks a lot different from the last time I was here" and then Ann:

    Nick Kroll's plenty funny on Funny or Die and Comedy Death Ray Radio, so the show should be good. But did anyone see his stand up special? That was awful.

    Childrens Hospital is dope, and The League is a really funny show if you learn to manage your expectations. Just because it has hit it out of the park for the last two episodes, don't expect the show to turn in a better than average episode next time.

    Wasn't it last season that in one of the reviews she said the show was at its peak?

    The second season's alright. Just the first that it very good. And the last two seasons aren't great either.
    Just bought It's Garry Shandling's Show off eBay. Never seen it, can't wait.

    Seriously, what is that meant to mean. That critics and audiences only like those shows because… I can't even finish that sentence. I have no idea at all what your position is other than "UK TV is better".

    "it seems like a lot of the praise comes from how good it *tries* to be, not how good it is."

    Oh, Jenna's an awful character. No question. Honestly, it wouldn't be a popular opinion, but I also find alot of what Tracy does to be really tedious. He's crazy, I get it.

    See, I never really thought it was as good as people were making out. And usually I tow the line pretty bad. It's a really good show (I haven't seen much past Season 2), but it *really* wasn't ever "one of the funniest in the medium's history."

    @Nick Cage avatar

    Battles are more fun. Otherwise, I agree.

    Elitist Trash, the same thing would have been thought about CDs back in the mp2 days. But technology will catch up, and the physical sales of movies will decliine a fuckload.


    Liars are due for a new one, aren't they?

    The racism/fruit stand/flippin' the bird/etc. one was worse. Alot worse.

    I've never seen a James Bond film.
    Anyone else?