Lance Uppercut to the Face

I had really been looking forward to this and was pretty disappointed with it. Overall I did not think it was particularly "good" from a storytelling standpoint, though I did think it was well shot and acted. Maybe it was a marketing problem more than anything in that I was expecting something different but I just

Almost. The correct way to do it is the Facility.

So this syncs up how exactly? Either I don't get it or it's not very good.

It's not quite the same but one of my senior year roommates dropped out of school and didn't tell us for a solid 6-8 weeks. He pretended to go to class every day and just went somewhere to hang out.

None of the story holds up too well when you think about it, really.

Why do you say that re: MiB?

For reals. I am unquantifiably excited for Mad Max.

Every song I've heard of theirs sounds exactly the same.

My cocoa butter….

It is not. Oh wait, unless by that you mean that she's right back where she started, then yes… yes it is.

In a way it was… looks kinda nice, takes for fucking ever, not much happens, etc.

I guess that's the answer I deserve, but not the one I need right now.

Is Grand Budapest worth watching? I loved Rushmore, Tenenbaums and Zissou. I hated Darjeeling and Moonrise Kingdom. I'm indifferent on Bottle Rocket.

I wonder if they ever intended to do anything else with the stupid Sheriff character and then realized it was pointless and scrapped it?

Am I the only one that really likes The Beach?

I loved Shaun but couldn't get into Hot Fuzz or The World's End.

Thematically yes, but purely in terms of plot, it is ambiguous. I get that it doesn't matter but still…

I freakin loved Chronicle.

Don't bother with Haywire.

I found it to be a terribly boring slog, but different strokes I guess…