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    It's the lowest-grossing Madea movie yet. It's not even going to reach the $50M that Diary of a Mad Black Woman made back before Tyler Perry was a "brand."

    It debuted in like 14th place on Christmas Day. It's not going to be a big hit.

    I've recently become aware that there's an emo scene again. Which strands of emo, though? Is Cap'n Jazz still a touchstone? Sunny Day Real Estate? Or has the term been redefined by a new generation now that the mall punks are done with it?

    I liked the bass especially. Pretty badass to play the main melody AND chords throughout the bass part.

    Well, if Led Zep had covered it, you can bet the songwriting credit would have gone to Page/Plant!

    Skittlebrau? Such a beer does not exist, sir. I think you must have dreamed it.

    Do you also have different dog avatars to tell your two accounts apart?

    It's amazing what a little Photoshop can do.

    OK, so now Disqus has decided that my AV Club login is logged in, rather than my Disqus login. What in the actual fuck.

    The Claudemeister, sellin' copies of the Beta Band!

    "Mom, why didn't you turn off the vacuum after, say, the 4,000th rattle?"

    Oh yeah, to be clear, I was agreeing with you!

    Who knows? Maybe it's a new venue from ReverbNation.

    It's got to be tough to draw a conclusion on one variable. It feels like it's more based on a stereotype than anything. I feel like children are a much bigger variable: I've been making considerably more money in the years since I've become a parent, but WAY less of my income feels disposable. Having children is

    Yeah, Legoland was kind of underwhelming, especially with how many interactive stations were malfunctioning.

    In a related story, Alice Finch's mother just heard a rattling noise in the vacuum cleaner.

    First time one of my comments led to a Heavenly reference! Kudos.

    Me and George Stephanopoulos, playin' campaign strategy.

    I remember laughing quite a bit, but also cringing at a few things (like the updated Cone of Silence).

    The Pink Panther (2006)
    Total Lifetime Grosses