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    c) proving that most of the stuff a record label does is totally unnecessary.

    "Buckle up, everyone! I'm about to get DANGEROUS!"

    You won't BELIEVE what this internet user accidentally linked over to!

    These days, Romney has all service staff that come within 50 feet of him frisked for recording devices.

    I'm Brian Fellow[s]!

    Disqus told me "1 other person is typing" and I thought "I bet they've got a 47% comment too," but I finished my comment anyway.

    47% of those commenters are just going to say it was better during whatever year they were in high school.

    He could also hold up a bag with "$" drawn on its side. One in each hand.

    "On a scale from 1 to 10, how old is your girlfriend?"

    We'll just have to wait for National Lampoon's Vatican to be rebooted.


    I always go in alphabetical order.

    Well, I liked this, so I award it Three-and-a-Half Peter Dinklages hula-hooping.

    It's what I get when I hear the drummer.

    They were put there just so that Mandela can mess with them a little.

    Somewhere in heaven right now, Mandela is walking up to Reagan and Thatcher and just bonking their heads together, like something outta the Three Stooges.

    At that point was she still expected to leave to do Mulaney's show? All I can think is that Lorne clearly knows/expects she's got one foot out the door at this point.

    She's actually had some great moments in the last few episodes, although that comes after several seasons of getting less screen time than any of the new "featured players."

    That means a lot coming from you!

    Put this on after Brooklyn Nine Nine, and baby, you got a stew goin'! *