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    — Lorne Michaels, somewhere around episode 3 of this season

    This could be paired quite with Brooklyn Niner Niner.

    Hey! Disqus has let me log in for the first time in 2 days to allow me to register my satisfaction with this news!

    I strongly suspect there are a couple of people who only downvote the most innocuous comments.

    So you don't know where Andre is?

    "Todd! Josh! Come in here quick! Our readers have concocted some sort of… "poll"! Do you think WE could steal this idea?"

    Would it have worked better for you to say "best standup album of the last four years"?

    SPOILER ALERT: the name of the group is "The Aristocrats."

    Most comedians retire the material after it's been released, instead focusing on material for a new hour.

    I figured it was Amy Schumer, which seems confirmed by her high placement on the list.

    I don't know how @avclub-457eb7d00feeb81f6d3d5b103e799fa1:disqus does it, and I don't want to know. But what you do is glorious.

    Oh, Drunk History. I do love you so.

    [Starts change.org petition to have Firefly classified as a Comedy Central sketch show]

    Chappelle's Show or not, at least they seem to have stopped canceling everything after 6 episodes.


    I don't think Prince would ghost-write. He might write under a pseudonym from time to time, but he's not going to give someone else credit.

    You seem really upset, dude. Like, "I need to register my displeasure with this movie on 10 separate threads" upset.

    SPOILER ALERT: she doesn't have anything to offer, although I suppose she reaches some clarity at the end. And even then, they show extras reacting negatively to her mere presence.

    I had to laugh at the commenter who assumes that a girl who likes pink has no other aspects to her personality.

    You WOUND me, sir.