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    I'd call her "on edge" more than uptight, because she's pretty sure she knows that shit is going to go down.

    I know a lot of people who dislike this movie, but I found it very powerful, and I agree that all the characters were well-planned and well-acted.

    "Brave" has a few definitions; it doesn't always mean you're a war hero.

    In other news, Jim Breuer has been fired from this movie.


    There are plenty of young people who aren't into stuff that existed from the 80s. You just probably aren't paying attention to huge swaths of pop culture (and rightly so).

    Not gonna watch it, but can anybody rate it in terms of that commercial with Kylie Minogue in lingerie on a mechanical bull from about a decade ago?

    Steve Perry seems very content to keep cashing those royalty checks and stay the fuck away from Neal Schon.

    Now I'm picturing an intern being forced to disguise himself as someone who has $14.95 to spare for a pay-per-view wedding.

    Brave didn't have a prince, unless you count the suitors. But they're only there for the princess to reject.

    I have 2 kids and 3 cats. The AV Club is finally catering to my demographic!

    This is the first video I've been able to watch on my work computer in recent weeks, so whatever format it is, I'm content. Better this than the Adobe Flash crashing frowny face I'm seeing everywhere else.

    Nah, they've even given it its own classification in the new ICD10 models.

    Counterpoint: THE ROOTS are getting The Tonight Show.

    You don't HAVE to.

    Because it appeals to his sense of self-righteousness and his persecution complex.

    I just read it and all the comments.

    What a weird post of mine for someone to downvote.

    Yeah, I've been a fan since seeing her on Dr. Katz.

    My comments section is nothing but references to Dawes, Leonard Pierce, "streets ahead" and Iron Eagle!