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    Disqus is some real dogg shit

    I watch it on Hulu, although the last couple seasons I'd more say that my wife watches it on Hulu and it's among the shows that I'll join her to watch the rest of it.

    2nd sentence of the intro

    me too dogg

    Yeah, damn. It was right there, and @avclub-808e22af6c33eea22608f30cef458844:disqus dropped the ball.

    Sweet Relief was mostly excellent. Lots of stuff on there holds up. "Crazy Mary" has held up better than most Pearl Jam songs, actually.

    Just downloaded this! I also found a number of excellent used CDs for $3 apiece this weekend, so I'm not sure when I'll get to this. It's been a while since I've had a backlog of newly acquired albums to listen to.

    …and greenlit another really lousy show for Summer Glau.

    I kill me!

    I have not seen any of the "Marvel Universe" movies. I figure I'll wait until my son's old enough to give a shit about movies, and see if he wants to go through them.

    What a coincidence that two different publications have created a score that means "pretty good."

    The only necessary response.

    Prove he wasn't always.

    The fact that he's Puerto Rican is incredibly germane to your story!

    New music:
    The Rutabega "Shiny Destination"
    Beauty Pill "Dog with Rabbit in Mouth Unharmed"
    Hungry Man "Never Come"

    Alas, Alex Winter does not actually post here.

    He tried once. His eyes bled from the effort.

    All that this means is that some conservatives were polled, and "Dennis Miller" was the closest to "current comedian" they could think of.

    For someone who dislikes excessive niceness you sure have a problem with people saying bad things about Mr. Maher.

    I started to take note of nights that people like Jen Kirkman would be on, but my wife dislikes Hardwick so much that the show's been pretty much banned from our house.