I'd be really bummed if they rewrote it so that everyone knows it's Westley during those scenes.
I'd be really bummed if they rewrote it so that everyone knows it's Westley during those scenes.
Patinkin would be perfect for the 6-fingered man.
Bickle your seat belts - here come the puns!
They were trying to distract you from the fact that they used Mancini's theme on a tighter loop than an ice cream truck's.
Pink Panther was the worst, as there was no dialogue. The laugh track literally just punctuated the action at seemingly random intervals.
Redacted comment
The guy named after a reference doesn't like the other reference.
Are we sure it's a cure? It's certainly a prescription. It's likely just a fever reducer (and possibly also a pain reliever).
Yeah, in my memory it's established her family won't be there, and then later she exclaims the maid's name and as the maid walks toward her, her little kids run up and hug Paris. Bittersweet and definitely made me like/appreciate the character more.
I preferred the sequel, Five Evil Exes Goes West.
Christopher was a great character in that you can see why he and Lorelei were together, you can see the spark still there, and you can see why they need to stay apart.
Paris is one of those characters who acts shitty every time you've just started to understand/like/sympathize with her. The show didn't give casual fans enough reason to like her.
I only would have watched if they'd expanded Big Pete's role as the series went on.
Settings —> Block —> Racist In-Laws
Spike Lee just tweeted Bruno Mars' royalty statements.
Huh. Did that song come out after Smashmouth and Sugar Ray? I'm wondering if I completely tuned out of Alternative Nation at just the right/wrong time to have missed this song.
That does sound like what a date with Dave Coulier would probably be like, actually.
Presidents of the United State of America had a follow-up hit?! No, I do NOT remember.
That's what I say whenever I go to a key party!
$100 million is not a lot of money to you? You wouldn't mind if I borrow it, then.