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    You know who's a great drummer? JANET WEISS.

    Pete Somehow Less Good Than Ringo

    It's Schuster's time to shine!

    My band just played two shows in Indiana last weekend. Where were you?

    Does he always wear his Cerebro headgear after he fucks somebody?

    Wolverine 3: Wolvestine

    Keep fucking that question mark!

    Sorry, I guess I was only who inferred that she was referring to how easy it would be to do a few scenes for them, given how close her show's present shooting location is to their show's present shooting location.

    It's like a one-hour flight.

    Publications don't have to treat every published review as gospel, especially when it involves the AV Club and music.

    Consensus is the review is wrong on many levels. Go get the album.

    Hey, is your avatar meant to be a tribute, or do you just like the word "boner"?

    "Why doesn't Neko help Kelly get her eyeball back from that bird? C-"

    Where's a funny dress when you need one!

    Yeah, more like Vivian Campbell bees. Less flashy, more in the pocket.

    And that kid grew up to be… the ghost in the background of Three Men and a Baby.

    And I even Googled it because I knew OP had it wrong.

    Where is it on the spectrum?


    There are ALWAYS exceptions in algebra!