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    Tina Fey + n > Chuck Lorre +n

    She can be the alternate (better) universe's Chuck Lorre.

    Pink Floyd's definitely a tricky one, but I love Piper at the Gates of Dawn and generally only care for the Syd Barrett era. Individual results may vary.

    Going in order is generally the way to go, unless it's an act whose first album is famously disregarded (such as Neil Young).

    That is the effin' best.

    "Hi, I'm Colbie Smulders."

    How Maya Rudolph Walked Through the Baby-Eye Portal and Met the Cancellation Bear

    Hmm, maybe armpit hair needs to be factored into this formula.

    Fair enough, but the bottom line is he's been aging outside of the public eye for a while.

    Has he done anything the past ten years other than voicing a minor character on Bob's Burgers and being married to Phoebe Cates?


    [ slide whistle ]

    Sigh. I miss @Kirk Cameron Left Me Behind.

    Wow, those shitty tabloids really know their audience.

    Da fuh?

    But how do you feel about him as Jm J Bullock?

    I like it when Paul F Tompkins yells "ahhhhhh, math rock!" during the intro.

    "Wolf Children… is what I call a kid who was raised by homosexuals"
    - Orson Scott Card

    In Kim Deal's case, she smiles AND hates her bandmates!

    Ryan Dunn is a guy from Jackass, and I was supposed to know that?