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    Nah, referencing something that is referenced in the article that the commenter clearly didn't read is not an obscure occurrence around the internet.

    Not gonna Google that name at work to figure out what you're talking about. Sorry!

    Because dental drill pranks are the only ones that truly put butts in seats.

    Sadly, the fad for playing orderlies died with whichever of the Fat Boys passed away.

    Hips and Makers is a great album, and this is a perfect song.

    Can't beat the original!

    Adam Sandler just moved up the release date of Fart Wig to answer your question.

    HH = household

    @avclub-1e850f6bef0bc36ca1f64e95ff1cbd2e:disqus - also, "I'm wearing my APFI suit, of course."

    Superboy and skinhead were both pretty douchey - just also pathetic. Those are just the 2 movies of his that have stuck with me - Cop Land because I thought it was really good and could have been truly great; Higher Learning because I thought it was crap and it could have been 2 hours of my life I spent talking to

    Ugh. Is that the one where women are literally cattle?

    That sounds familiar. (I read those books about 23 years ago. I need to wash my brain.)

    - Newly recruited skinhead
    - Somewhat crooked cop who's about to realize how much more crooked all his cops pals are

    I distinctly remember feeling icky about Piers Anthony books even as a teenager. I liked them at age 12 because I was like "yay, magic spells and sometimes there's even a spaceship!" but pretty much as soon as school started asking me to think critically about books, I could not get over how all his female characters

    Hmm, but then I'd have to listen to Jay Mohr.

    @avclub-a74751295995aad6799bb16021522543:disqus did, indeed. Very much so.

    They're finally adapting my favorite soy milk!

    "You see, WHITES in Paranormal Activity get released like THIS…"

    No one said "6 six seasons and a MEMORABLE movie" was part of the deal…

    "Cumberbatch Plus"! Ask for it by name!