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    Yep, it's a good way for rich middle-aged actors to phone it in for 6 years and collect several more easy paychecks.

    Also, is Lorne really there at 12:57? I assume his limo's either halfway through Connecticut by then or he's already on his private jet to whatever island Paul Simon owns.

    I'd like to imagine him dictating it for telegram delivery.

    Something about how she was dressed during the goodbyes suggests she was nowhere near the studio until 12:57. They ought to just hologram her in, miming a hug with Kenan.

    No, that's Leo from the West Wing.

    Couldn't Pedrad just NOT TELL ANYONE she's left SNL? It's not like they put her on the show anyway.

    L.A. LAW was 25 years ago?!

    I love Second Opinions 100x more with the new theme song.

    Cake Boss?!

    All of these comments are on the spectrum.

    You heard me, KUMAIL

    That depends. Did it end with an irate Kenan Thompson questioning everything?

    You're always here when we need you most, @avclub-457eb7d00feeb81f6d3d5b103e799fa1:disqus.

    I think that would fall on the range I defined above.

    Mumford and Sons are on hiatus in order to spend time snorting blow and for their drummer to practice 16th notes on the hi-hat.

    We still get argue how good Saturday Night Live is, ranging from "it's the worst thing ever and I only keep watching to fuel my rage" to "sometimes it's pretty funny."

    She might not be A-List famous, but I'm pretty sure Jane Curtin has had an amazing career.



    Most mansions top out around 6 bedrooms, because when the fuck are you going to have a bunch of filthy guests sleeping in your nice house?!