That dog's got someone's ham!
That dog's got someone's ham!
The Mr Bean Animated Series was a stupid idea. The original show worked because of the physicality of Atkinson's body and face. Then they picked a modern design style that could only have minimal facial expressions and jerky movements.
I remember when five pound notes had pictures of bumble bees on 'em, "Give me five bees for a pony," you'd say.
@avclub-bcd70526c073dfd8bed0d20704113058:disqus And why do you not know the distinction between "I like this" and "Austen is a great author".
Also how can new artists emerge through the system?
I've never understood critics believing that crowd funding will save the film industry by producing new and interesting film. To me it would seem crowd sourcing would produce the opposite, the same kinds of movies, adaptations and sequels to things the sponsors already like.
I don't know if it would apply for this as it only has Allen as an actor but The Front is a great movie no one talks about.
You could argue that any of his post-1987 sans Midnight in Paris are underrated.
Y'all nuts! Nearly everything from the Al Jean period is worse than the Scully ones.
I hope it has a point of view scene of a woman walking up to a pram lifting up the bonnet, cut to a shot of her screaming then cut to a shot of spider in said pram.
Cookie Monster was re-imagining an established character and deconstructing the form, AnotherCookieMonster just cashed in on a character that was popular without actually knowing why it was popular.
Gamblor was pretty frightening.
Less bitching more stitching.
Michael Smiley is the only cast member in both.
Scott Pilgrim.
Really don't give a fuck about Linda Lovelace was never as good looking as Lisa De Leeuw, Little Oral Annie or Rene Bond.
If he were to have made it live action I think executives would have made it more broad and low brow because it centred around a lower class conservative family so they would have tried to aim the show toward that demographic.
It has sought of lead to a popularity in more broad multi-cam shows but that may be more Mrs Brown's Boys fault.
Its not as bad as the piracy ad with the fat blacksmith burning a pile of DVDs