They should make the show like Married with Children
They should make the show like Married with Children
I previously thought she was purely lesbian but she is in fact bi, crush back on.
I guess I'm not one of the people coming to this show from will it live up to the Report (I care not for your American politics) but to see how he held up the mantle of the Late Show. And I have to say I'm not confident that he's going to bring it back to the bizarre vaudeville of early-Letterman. The George Clooney…
I came on here to mention the Incredible Machine, that used to be on every computer at my primary school as well as the terrible Math Circus. Played it whenever I had the opportunity.
Frank Thring is the best hammy character actor to come out of Melbourne to the delivery of his lines ("By all means off with his head, but don't forget the scrotum") to his unmoving upper lips. Not to mention he has some of the greatest thespian anecdotes (when asked about working with Charlton Heston he replied;…
Your not a true VB drinker, you can spell it's full name.
They had someone who came along to make sure the kangaroos were killed humanely (kangaroo shooting is regulated here and there are often kulls) but he got drunk as well as the rest of the cast and crew on the night.
This may be a simple thing but it would great if there was an imdb link of the film with the watch this articles.
When is Mr Ratburn gonna come out of the closet? I'll wait for that episode. Also am I the one of the only people who watched the show up till I was 16?
I was Jekyll, Jekyll, Hyde,
Jekyll, Hyde, Hyde, Jekyll,
Jekyll, Jekyll, Hyde, Jekyll, Hyde!
Sons and Daughters
I like the idea of adapting it to a stage musical though I imagine the amount it would cost to stage would outweigh the amount of profit. Get Paul Williams in to write a couple of new songs add the cut songs.
I wonder if they could shoot "Room in Your Heart" and "Chairman of the Board" with the old recordings.
I don't really like him much as a personality. Gavin and Stacey had it's moments but whenever Corden is on a panel show he is usually the least funny person on there unless they have someone from Hollyoakes on. What he has going for him is he's a 'nice guy' genuinely laughs at everyone's jokes. I guess this is what…
How will they keep up with the slang of the future? How will they now to record furshlangleangle? Or iGland?
Here is the episode if anyone at home wishes to watch along.…
The Micallef Program
The Micallef Program is the best sketch comedy Australia has so far produced. Sure The Late Show and the D Generation were more groundbreaking but for pure laughs and consistently the Program is the best. The show isn't that new and exciting when you consider in terms of world comedy but down under…
Sorry guys I promised you the start of my Aussie TV reviews at 1 tomorrow but I'm too pissed right now and I have work in the morning. I'll pot when I get the time on next What's On Tonight.
I hope to make my first review on What's On Tonight Tuesday 1.00pm AEST.
If anyone wants to watch before hand here are the episodes I'll be reviewing……