Mr Programme

Inspired by @franko's viewer TVClub Classic articles I've had the idea of doing my own based on classic (in my opinion) Australian shows and perhaps some new ones if I feel like it. I was thinking of starting with the cult sketch show The Micallef P(r)ogram(me) and then moving on to Frontline and then The Games or if

Yeah I wonder if Lilley would of had any series after Angry Boys if HBO didn't co-fund it I have the feeling that ABC is keeping it on beyond it's popularity because they think if it's good enough for America it's obviously good period. Culture cringe is definitely at play here. Please Like Me loses viewers by the

I'd argue that then you only spent ten minute blocks with them per episode so you didn't realize that the character's had no depth and were based on one note stereotypes. Pat Mullins was the only character i liked and they killed her off. But in these latest series he's bringing one joke characters into the focus of

An interesting point Lilley's most popular series Summer Heights High, the Tongan Government refused to let him film there because they didn't like his portrayal. I'm just surprised people are jumping on it now not then or when in Angry Boys he played an African American which has a longer and more volatile history of

It seems like Lilley has gone the way of Ricky Gervais he had two successful series (The Office/Extras, We Can Be Heroes/Summer Heights High) and then each following series have revealed he is as one note and narcissisticly scene stealing as the characters he portrays.

I've seen the show and it's shit because Lilley hasn't come up with anything funny or original since 2007. The potential racism is just one of it's crimes.

A question, who in their right mind would want to be associated with modern country?

Is this their first exclusive that wasn't chocolate covered or deep fried?

No features? I'll leave it I can watch all the episodes I want online.

The Brittas Empire did it as well.

I was in fractions back then.

Mmm 1994? Breastfeeding

I think JK Rowling originally wanted Terry Gilliam to direct the first film, which would have been interesting to see.

Having no idea who John Krasinski is, I assumed it would be the creator of Ren and Stimpy looking grumpy as fuck

In Australia the last episode of classic sitcom Mother & Son airs, also last episode of Hey Dad! the last sitcoms to attempt for a large family audience. The first series of Frontline also airs and Shaun Micallef becomes regular cast member on Full Frontal heralding Oz comedy dynasties.

I thought it was invented by tabloids to make people go 'harumpth political correctness gone mad, I'm not voting for these lefties' over their breakfast.

In November 6 Mr and Mrs Programme gave birth to their greatest work.

Yeah it was hard to look up the quote because I wasn't even sure I remembered it properly.