
Curb is predictable
but it is still funny (to me) and even though you know some of what's going to happen, the little moments are filled with laughter, and almost everything out of Suzy's mouth makes me giggle like a fucking school girl.

I am impressed
that the Rock has so many fans! All Kyra Sedgwick fans need to see Personal Velocity. This is pre-weight loss Kyra, and she takes a punch (so you've been warned).

And no one mentions the fact
that we are currently experiencing an actual bee colony collapse. Huh.
Seinfeld the TV show funny.
Seinfeld standup, insufferable. That video above happened because it is the man's core. Did anyone, at anytime ever, laugh at the standup that used to precede the show in the first few

This review
was destined to end with a comments section featuring people typing(!) quotes to one another.
I'm having a hard time believing that the same Rabin of My Year of Flops wrote this line: "Did anyone else crack up at his wall of famous patients?"

well played Domonic
I got the same looks from the rednecks hanging around the 4x4 in Jacksonville that I got from the guys from Southie and the cholos in Van Nuys.

well played Domonic
I got the same looks from the rednecks hanging around the 4x4 in Jacksonville that I got from the guys from Southie and the cholos in Van Nuys.

so out of that list of hate-able
offenses the one you try to defend your beloved Criss from is the exact extent to which he ripped off the Anarchy symbol?

oh and
movies like sideways DO pay the bills. Maybe not the house in Malibu/countach/fourstar meals every day bills but integrity don't come cheap either.

M.A. Lee
I would never have figured you for a Love Actually - Hugh Grant delightfully stuttering- fan.
Elf was okay for a xmas movie, but that is low hanging fruit.

south park v fg
I've never understood why people were so thrilled that they had a cartoon version of a hip-hop dis-fest. I mean, so what? Neither one is particularly that good/intelligent/creative…
people who think south park makes cutting social commentary have never actually thought about those things themselves.

I wonder if the hispanic
males in the mission like mencia too. I hope not… it sounds depressing where you live, girl with a dozen screen names… lets all just take heart that (per lobsters) the movie bombed.

i too have thought about larry's office
but I figure that when he's asking someone to guest appear on the show, or if someone wanted his help creating a new show, he would probably not want to meet people at his house. Therefore you go to his office. Every deal can't settled over half-eaten lunches at the Ivy or

i too have thought about larry's office
but I figure that when he's asking someone to guest appear on the show, or if someone wanted his help creating a new show, he would probably not want to meet people at his house. Therefore you go to his office. Every deal can't settled over half-eaten lunches at the Ivy or

to say that
"protesting is looked down upon by Texans not because we're conformist, but because we see it for what it is. Lots of noise and bother that really gets nothing done."

whether or not he knows what charisma means
can we all agree that it's gonna take more than charisma to fix the mess we've made. In Iraq? So, strictly speaking, it doesn't matter how much moxie, chutzpah, or yes, charisma the potus has it won't help us.

whether or not he knows what charisma means
can we all agree that it's gonna take more than charisma to fix the mess we've made. In Iraq? So, strictly speaking, it doesn't matter how much moxie, chutzpah, or yes, charisma the potus has it won't help us.

no. that was a question.
I guess Owen Wilson would be Anderson's Johnny Marr.

yes like Salinger
one note, beautifully struck, and sustained… though Salinger had the good graces to leave the arena. Not like Morrissey (who is Anderson's Johnny Marr) who made some great songs, a lot of good songs, and then yet still more songs. Nothing Anderson made has been great, quite good sure, but great?

the first time you heard
their songs, were you and the band in a garage somewhere swapping flannel shirts comparing over-the-left-eye haircuts, and listening to him bare his soul? It was a commercial enterprise when you encountered it, and so why should it stop being one now? Was that the pure level, a million spins

i second that ack, lobsters stay away Pollard
stop being such a fucking winebot.
This whole congressional hearing would be unnecessary if congress would just watch the factor.