
like um…. hmmm
"better that the hysterical straight people defend the gay community, because they're so lousy at doing it themselves through their own magazines. My bad"

details huh.
I was going to agree commander kitten's point (Don't you think it's bad that a term used by many in a vicious way to refer to gay people can be used synonymously with words like 'asshole?' Give up that means of defense, because that's, like, WHY it's offensive to use 'fag' that way) but Details…

even if this described me
So all you hipster elitist latte-drinking Volvo-driving sushi-eating NY-Times-reading Maureen Dowd-chuckling fetus-killing bong-ripping heroin-to-our-innocent-kids-supplying AV Club freedom h8rs can take a flying leap!

where are these celebrities
being held up as liberal heroes? On Fox? If you had said Chomsky, sure, I could believe that you weren't parroting the worst kind of victimization argument- the one made while being firmly in control. Between the think tanks and dissenters in more rigorous news places it doesn't really

where are these celebrities
being held up as liberal heroes? On Fox? If you had said Chomsky, sure, I could believe that you weren't parroting the worst kind of victimization argument- the one made while being firmly in control. Between the think tanks and dissenters in more rigorous news places it doesn't really

I think everyone did come down on Rosie
But comparing a racist you like to a racist you don't like, doesn't really get us anywhere. And let's be clear, these comments are the epitome of racism, the racism that O'reilly pretends to be above (when he lectures the left about having lowered expectations for minority

I don't really need to
defend either Simpsons or FG- they both have their moments, but American Dad is complete shite.
The Robot Chicken incident at the end is one of the reasons FG still gets me to pay attention. It is so self-aware and maintains a hair's amount of distance between itself and the pop culture it

not a very strong case
You could make a case that the degradation of all that was sacred in American life and culture began with Hanna-Barbera…

Suzy is still my favorite thing on that show
Larry you sick fuck… is one of the funniest lines ever uttered on teevee.

it was an okay movie
like 40 year old, better than that shitshow that was knocked-up (if I had friends like that I'd kill myself to salvage whatever self-respect I had left).
But it really is just a nicely made coming of age teen sex comedy. The treacle matter on this board about Apatow being "insightful" or "smart"