Sapere Audio

Is it too similar to his character on Dollhouse to say I want to see him as the [mild spoiler I suppose] male clone counterpart on Orphan Black?

I believe that Carol's story has been well developed. She has been teaching the kids how to use knives because she never taught Sophia. In her mind now, Sophia was weak so she died and it's all Carol's fault. Carol was a weak woman when we met her, now she is a broken one.

I've loved them for 10 years and wore out two copies of "Give Up" (one original and one burned) and honestly had the same concern you did.


Seven years later
And it's still a damn fine album start to finish.

I think it's time to invest in a shit-proof umbrella, my friends. It's about to start flying

Ryan is clearly jumping on the Mad Men cool guy bandwagon. Recognize

You know how I feel about dishonesty
You made a crib note!

I assumed that was just Abed "getting him" from the beginning. The whole prank started with Abed making Troy think he didn't understand humor.

"Thats not something you learn about and then keep quiet."

Opie has to know, right?
I can understand that after Donna died he felt like, if Donna had to die for the club then I must love the club more, therefore my life will only now be about the club.
But, he's not stupid, just quiet. Only my opinion but, Ops knows that it was Clay and is trying to get into Tig's

I don't know. I think retarted pretty well sums up her character.

I fucking hate Nick Cage
Sorry, every time he;s mentioned I am just filled with rage. Here are (in my own opinion, of course) a list of actors better than Nick Cage:
Everyone. Even Heather Graham. Even Keanu made a good move (B&TEA)

Aston Kutcher
Is a fucking MASTER at irony. Well played sir, well played.

Finn- the story is in the bible. Not to mention the show would be boring as fuck if they listed historic events. Give it time and piece it together yourself.

Crackity, I'm with you on that one. Has Jack EVER been interesting? Fuck, no.

So then Ben DIDN'T know that Locke would come back to life when he got back to the island, right? That's what that look was supposed to convery

I'm going to say that the problem was one too many plot lines. The Seth/ER drama could have been much more powerful as it's own episode. The show would have been well enough balanced by the QRose and Jack keeping David and Michelle apart and highlighting their different motives for doing so.

Alec Baldwin
Schwetty Balls.