Sapere Audio

Stop reading EW?

Well I'll just say Thanks to all of you. I just finished watching it on Hulu and I'm hooked. Consequently, I am also now devastated that it's got zero survival chance

That already sounds more well-developed and entertaining than most other episodes

That already sounds more well-developed and entertaining than most other episodes

No, I'm with Prison Wine on this one (btw, hope everything's a little better on your end PW). I LOVE the Fillion but "Castle" sets my teeth on edge. It looks like the silliness of Bones and the relentless copdrama of CSI.

Kid Dada-
Agreed that Sawyer really does belong on the island. That they were given the opportunity to leave the island and Sawyer saw this as bad news. After the raft and the helicopter I think Sawyer has unconsciously realized that his place is on this island.

I hate to belabor the point but Aubrey is still correct. Symbology is a real word; the study or interpretation of symbols and symbolism. 'Trippy dream symbolism' would be the correct way of saying that.

But somehow the truce wasn't broken when the hostiles killed DI Paul? What kind of a truce is this?

Not only are the characters well defined but they grow. The pilot was these two nerds and the pretty new neighbor (who I hated originally) and it's developed, naturally, into the gang together on Thai night.

Did Ben know that Locke would reanimate once he was back on the island? Assuming he did, he did the kindest thing anyone could do, he gave John his faith back. Locke, having lost faith in himself and in his mission was about to die. Ben, convinced him he was special, killed him, and returned him to the island having

R Patz
Careful! I almost thought i saw a smile. Vampires only brood

I love lamp!

Forgive the ignorance but what is Disturbed and 5FDP considered? I would consider that to be popular heavy metal (which is what I assume he was trying to say). And if that's the case he can't possibly be comparing Limp Bizkit to Apocolyptica, right?

Definitely an 'n' word…

I love ya baby.

I don't think it's fair to say he "actively steals from other musicians and poets". He's a folk singer, that's what they do. That's why you end up with 'traditional' songs where no author can be credited. That's how we used to pass on our stories and legends. I don't really get the con man part of what your sayin.'

No hate man, just pointing the hypocrisy where I see it.

@ Elitist Tash

Sir, you have some balls to admit that you do not admire and enjoy Pink Floyd and then immediately follow it up with a second post about the "fools" who don't enjoy Radiohead. Luckily, now we'll know who to go ask when we want the auditory equivalent of a Moons over my Hammy and decaf instead of an aged-steak and

Sorry SkTwR, but it's not even a good story. It's a jumbled mish-mash of lots of really great stories. It's a mosaic of great plot points stolen from other tales that but the picture as a whole is a fucking mess. Like a reverse Monet