
It really was. Especially because this isn't a thriller where we know a beloved character might be the killer or something - we didn't sign up for a show that just yanks 9 years of character development out from under you in the finale and expects you to say thank you. We invested in one that took its continuity and

Even more egregious to me is that so much of that compressed season actually worked, but only on the back of the Robin/Barney relationship. They're happy to use that chemistry to keep their cheap gimmick season afloat, then completely disregard it in a 10 second conversation and divorce them offscreen.

I hate so much that it took me 3/4 of this comment to be totally sure it's satire.

By the time I realised Dik and I might have to fight to the death Disqus had glitched hard on this account, so I can't change my name or avatar anymore. We do our best to exist in relative harmony

I don't think he even used the word emails, that's what was so odd. Just a mumbled nonsensical tangent about how Hillary must be involved with Russia too because she was also a candidate - by this logic are we supposed to expand the scope to poor, sweet Jeb Bush? Cruz? I mean, at least in that case we'll finally nail

Weren't the Clinton emails years old? Why would that investigation have anything at all to do with the Russia probe?

Also, Joel McHale is actually witty and charismatic beyond just a funny accent and foul mouth

Bleh. Maybe it's an Australian thing (I see too many dime store versions of him in my day to day life) but I just don't understand how this guy appeals to so many people

Soo meaty!

His chemistry with Mary is a lot more solid too, even when it's hate

Yeah, from what I understand historical Bothwell was a comparable piece of shit. It might be too late for them to swing the story in that direction though, I have absolutely no idea how they're going to play this

She's had a horrible track record with imprisoning/torturing/executing people who deserve it, I understand her hesitation. It's sad because she works SO hard to try to do the best, smartest thing and it always bites her in the ass

You guys, I'm just… I'm so goddamn happy. We can officially add 'gonads in a box' to the list of Shit Reign Did.

She did, I'm pretty sure. Just on Narcisse's behalf, he's most likely who she was writing to

Ah, I'm with you there. And I have more faith in the ability of internet activism to affect positive change than most people, so I'm really disappointed when 90% of it begins and ends with which TV presenter said something shitty. I guess what I'd say is that worse things happening doesn't mean an influential

Sure, but he'll say that in the same breath as claiming there are next to no moderate muslims and advocating 'rounding them up and containing them'. I don't feel comfortable calling him a bigot like some people are, but he uses dangerous language with regard to Islam, for sure.

What a groundbreaking notion

Yeah, for someone who's so adamant about democrats being weak, overly concessional losers he's as guilty as Jimmy Fallon when it comes to humanising/promoting/justifying really dangerous people for ratings (or, if you ask him, objectivity)

I mean, he's not shy about being transphobic, at least. During the whole Caitlyn Jenner media circus he repeatedly called her a tranny/creep/weirdo, pointedly called her by male pronouns and made stupid ignorant comments like "Bruce decided he wants to be a woman for a while" and stuff in the "pervert in a skirt"

Especially because holding your icons to a certain standard forces them to either improve or be replaced by someone better, and that's a good thing. I watch Real Time almost every week, but if there is a show in the same format with the same caliber of guests I would happily add that to my Friday viewing instead. The