
A lot of people will disagree with me, but recently Ricky Gervais has actually been a positive voice for atheists. He clearly still thinks organised religion is dumb as shit, but he can sit down and have a respectful spar with Colbert about it from a place of fondness and understanding. I think he's one of the many

I thought she was great in Edge of Seventeen

I don't think it's grading on a curve necessarily, this is just the kind of storyline that's deeply affecting to people who have experienced it but kinda alienating for people who haven't. Not to say that's the extent of people's criticism - a lot of it is totally fair. It kinda reminds me of people saying I'm biased

I've never seen it, was it unfairly criticised? I didn't get around to Twin Peaks until a couple years ago, so a lot of the zeitgeist-y context is lost on me

Yup. Coming out for me was basically the "Duh!" number from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

You're so right about the Coming Out Story archetype. It's nice that we've perfected the formula for a good one (or, at least, a respectful one) but even better we're now at the stage where shows can confidently mix it up and deliver something like this that hits at the extended, complicated experience of being out

There's a lot of debate to be had about the level of responsibility an artist like Ariana has to their fans / the general public, but it's really nice to see someone take it seriously and handle it sensitively.

He's definitely got that slightly off-kilter intensity Stewart had. I do love Trevor Noah though, and I really respect what he's trying to do

Ruthven called him on exactly that, and he said he'd happily go down for Mary. I think he just kinda imprinted on her when she saved his life, that or Bash put some kind of loyalty curse on him haha

To be fair, "Sure, the man’s a budding tyrant, but he says what he means, and the French people are tired of career monarchs on the throne, you know?" made me laugh

I actually think she was pretty genuine there, she sees he's been seriously manipulated and doesn't really want the father of her child to die if she can help it (the same way he's reluctantly working to save her)

God damn it… somehow I thought Rizzio's death would be most horrible as historically accurate (in court/public) but it was so much more traumatic in a setting where Mary could be openly fucking broken and completely powerless. I hate Darnley so deeply for his role in that.

The only bearable example I can think of post 2010 is HIMYM, and even that really irked me at times or ruined a solid joke. And yeah, B99 is something you fully expect to have a laugh track, and just proves that if you let your show stand on its own two feet, your punchlines can be more creative and nuanced and you

I wish I could explain the vague tonal difference that makes new laugh track shows unbearable to me while Friends seems totally natural. Even the HIMYM laugh track really bothered me at times, and felt like it held the show back more than anything. It might be a format to retire now

Mary's Regina George delivery of "You can't expect everyone to be glad you're back at court, Darnley. Some of us know you." quietly made the episode for me. Adelaide Kane hasn't had a real nemesis to snark at since Mary and Catherine became best friends (which I am forever thankful for) and you can tell she's thriving

Jesus christ, what a monster. I've read a little about their marriage but didn't know anything that horrible (although even the well-known Rizzio incident is comparable)

I'm convinced the real Elizabeth must have been some level of sociopath to survive her reign in relative sanity. And I don't mean that in a negative way, I just can't imagine living under that level of pressure and necessary paranoia every day for decades and still being clear minded enough to make trade agreements

Just some thick black and gold eyeliner and you're set. Wait, that's Egyptian

Exactly. Even in cases where whitewashing has really bothered me, I always give the benefit of the doubt that they have their reasons beyond just racism. But this just looks like a huge, deliberate middle finger at their own expense

He's charming as all hell, with glimpses of the monster I think he'll turn out to be. Brilliant casting there