
I may as well say bye here, too! Thanks for putting up with the boring version of Dikachu, and letting me overanalyse the shit out of genre shows that probably didn't warrant it. You've all turned me onto some great stuff over the years, and made this my favorite corner of the internet to hang out in.

Yep. This article seems determined to reimagine Buffy in a negative, misleading light. People get stuck in a really reductive mindset where they either idealise something or take it out of context to completely skewer it. Buffy is a flawed show of a different era, to not contextualise that work with where feminism was

Made even worse by fans refusing to admit any of it's flaws on principle. People will make endless, contradictory excuses for plot points that are silly or just plain don't make sense, when you could just say "yeah you're right, I still thought this episode was cool though". No one's taking your tits and dragons show

Right, I don't think he's going anywhere good, let alone solid. But the Littlefinger of the books HAD long-term plan that the Vale was a part of, whereas the show version is a fumbling idiot who just schemes in the background of whatever set they throw him on

God forbid you say so in public, but I'm so disappointed in her performance this season. Compare season 3's "Dracarys" scene to the ~epic~ dragon sequence this season and there's a stark (heh) difference, she's given up so much she doesn't even try to pronounce it right anymore. Dany used to be a character who was

I'd argue there are far more than two ways to interpret that, but I see what you mean.

The books made a strong case for him having a long-term masterplan, and as soon as they stopped following that material he may as well have disappeared into oblivion rather than make egregious mistakes like selling Sansa to the Boltons

If they're not setting up eventual Villain!Dany they're making some really questionable writing decisions

She's the rightful ruler, too. The people echoing Arya and calling her power-hungry must forget that he's King largely because she gave up her claim

No one really has a purpose anymore, they're just shoving fan favorites into whatever cluster is most convenient for a badass battle scene / scheme-off.

This looks amazing. In particular I want to buy the casting director a beer

You're telling me "Jamie Dornan" doesn't suffice?

I'm a total alcohol wuss and I usually order a whiskey sour

That's a great one. My SO doesn't understand internet commenting at all, never has the impulse to throw two cents in. Me, I find a community I like and can't shut up for the life of me. I wish it were the other way around

For me it's not a specific thing, but my intense lifelong loyalty to certain pop culture stuff. People I know are always dying to get to the next thing before the credits of the last one are rolling, and it's hard to justify to them why I'd rather watch Bridget Jones for the 10th Christmas in a row, run through the

I'm so late to the irrational-anger-at-Miley-Cyrus party that everyone has left, but man do I hate everything about this comeback tour.

I also recommend the video of a Nazi from that documentary sniffling like a baby because he thinks the police are coming to find him now

I'm very okay with the major platforms being hate-speech-free and one or two new opportunists catering to the edgelord crowd. If garbage like the Chainsmokers is on the Spotify front page every day by popular demand, surely the majority of people who don't want to see/hear racist propaganda should be catered to as

I'm very heartened by so much of the world waking up and taking this shit as seriously as they can in their personal sphere, I'd become so cynical I didn't think this week would make much of a difference. Welcome to the world, sleepyheads! It pretty much sucks now

I mean, I threw a bandaid on it by drifting away from my friends and family and feeling like I lived two lives, which I really wouldn't recommend. It really depends on why the disconnect is happening and whether you're both willing to work on it (he wasn't)