
I'm pretty sure he's had at least one or two scenes in every episode. They've had time to give him a personality, it's just been poorly used

The Mindy Project did the terrible shower sex scene first and better, but I give them points for the properly-accidental "I love you" - it's usually written as an unintentional but genuine feelings reveal, so I like that they mixed it up and just used it as a jumping off point to reassess the relationship.

Scrubs was Lawrence, not Harmon, but that's a fair comparison. Lawrence's shows have always had a real softness and faith in humanity at heart though, whereas by nature Harmon usually feints at sentimentality that he immediately undercuts / subverts with cynicism

Summer is MVP for me. I only hope her adoption of Rick's nihilism doesn't lead to Beth and Rick's alcoholism as well

Harmon's somewhat self-destructive instinct to tear down what he's built fascinates me. I'm probably doomed to invest in several more shows he deconstructs into dust, but it's always a fun ride

This was a painful, beautiful read. Thank you for sharing.

Sigourney Weaver is listed twice in the Starring section, which feels appropriate

Specifically raising Rory to love Harvard and want to go there isn't a control or boundaries thing though, that's just a straightforward dig

He is very, very odd. In an endearing way, but if Lorelai is the straightman in the relationship you know it's a mismatch

I've been calling her Crandall!

Episodes like this remind me how petty Lorelai was insisting on Harvard-or-bust all Rory's life, Yale is so deeply important to Richard and Emily. Obviously she's an adult and she can go wherever she wants, but I'm glad she's there to enjoy this tradition with her grandparents. Otherwise you can imagine Richard

I believe Wahlberg is the word you're looking for

Thank you. We've been hearing how he's surprisingly talented and has totally shaken off the Twilight baggage for years now, I'll believe the latter when there aren't headlines like this anymore

And from what I've read, the decision wasn't entirely on the principle of the thing, it was also just logistical. This had alienated so many people in the department that he was a liability in a teamwork situation. Keeping him on would be terrible for morale and productivity, they're running a business

It's perfectly played because as the audience you feel the same thing as her (or I did, at least), you recognize they're wrong for each other and it would be a trainwreck, but a part of you still kinda hopes he'll get off his ass and become the guy for her

I love Daria so much. I can't decide if Trent/Mystik Spiral or Quinn/The Fashion Club are the most 90's part of the show for me (probably the former, but lines like "We'll get your friends out of jail and be home in time for Buffy!" from Quinn bring her close in the running)

I always enjoy the pointed irony of shows like this taking a #freethenipple stand while being unable to actually show nipples in their timeslot.

I personally find it really clunky and weird that she takes such an interest in her employees lives. It just doesn't feel earned at this point - I know they've been working there for years, but we've only been watching them for a few weeks. Home visits and tearful heart-to-hearts with the boss are season 2 material at

Absolutely. And them reuniting at the end of the show made even less sense, because they'd only continued to grow in different directions over the years. None of their core issues had changed, they would be taking another break within months

And later when they watched Cujo. "Seriously, what is wrong with this dog??"