
Another problem I have is the tone-deaf attempt to condemn slut shaming - it makes the same Riverdale misstep of trying to show how gross and misogynistic it is while still assuring the audience that the heroine it's happening to is a pure, innocent virgin who never went past first base. In 2017 it would be much more

Isn't breastfeeding kind of a symbolic connection between mother and child? Like I know a lot of women who have trouble breastfeeding aren't just "I suck at this womanly act, woe is me!", it's more like they don't feel like they're bonding the way they should be. To end the show with Hannah finally connecting with her

They're burning through plot like crazy, basically

'Nicely wretched' is exactly how I'd describe the Mary/Darnley dynamic too, it hurts my heart for all the right reasons. The pre-wedding pregnancy is a brilliant touch, one final miserable wall forcing Mary to willingly walk to her doom. I'm glad Catherine was around for that reveal. I felt so bad for that poor woman

Particularly next to dentist-guy he looked like a sack of old potatoes. I think Owen is a really unconventionally handsome man, but all I want is this dime store Derek and his migrating accent to fuck off in a helicopter with Owen's sister and never be forced on us again. His character just doesn't work and I don't

Yeah, I can forgive quite a bit of timeline confusion in these kinds of shows, but not when it's for the sake of a cheap pop culture reference

They showed forever ago that she got the spell from Rumple, or at least with his help. So the retcon is just that he inherited it from his mother in some way

I haven't heard anything about that, I think the review assumes this 'final chapter' stuff is building to a finale

Teaching the tutorials/workshops of courses, marking papers etc? If they implied she'd be lecturing too I must have missed it

Yeah, I guess you're right. I just remember finding out my second year that half my tutors had only graduated the year before and had a second full time job in that they were working on their first thesis, but the storyline is probably embellishing it further

The episode where Jessa and Marnie have a night on the town is one of my favorites. Another relationship they sadly didn't capitalise on

I'm still banking on a callback to that between Hannah and Marnie next week. I think the worst decision the show ever made* was having them estranged for so long, of all the relationships on this show I've always been most deeply invested in theirs

Rannells tweeted that the bathroom scene was his last and said a goodbye to the show

D) all of the above

I got the feeling from a recent interview that she's strongly considering just fading into obscurity, which I don't blame her for. It's a shame because she really is talented, hopefully she finds a balance where she can continue writing without her work being so closely associated with her as a person

I don't entirely forgive her absence either, but the fact that she's getting the perfect Shosh happy ending - hot husband, gorgeous apartment and a group of preppy girlfriends to go purse shopping with - made up for a lot. I'm so happy for her

From the conversation with Tad it sounded like she was just going to lead a few tutorials while she still takes freelance work in the city, and we have a ton of postgrad level students doing that at my college. Usually while they're studying though

Of course Elijah went out telling those feckless whores to eat a dick. He will be sorely missed.

At first I was like 'wow, they really went for dime store Ike Barinholtz with that casting call', especially because the character could literally be Morgan Tookers' brother. Turns out they just got the other one

How much Glenn loves his brood of foster kids - including The Prison Ones - is a really nice, redeeming character detail. I honestly don't mean this in a bad way, but it's nice to see an evangelical who truly practices what he preaches and tries to put goodness back out into the world rather than just forcing his more