
In defence of shows where this is pointedly not the case, sometimes you don't realise how much the average main character holds together all the other brilliant pieces of the show.

I hated Dina for most of S1, but she's grown to be a favorite of mine too. I think it took them a while to flesh out her personality

Yeah that's a trope that will get tired if they use it too often. Then again, it served The Office well for a long time

I don't think you need to worry too much. My favorite thing about Amy and Jonah is that even though he's obviously been smitten with her from the get-go, he's super respectful of her marriage/family and even actively tries to help stabilise it (like the first time he meets Adam and tries to pay for his shitty impulse

Who besides Jonah is doing that? I feel like everyone else's love interests have been pretty appropriately average

Seriously, all these people are fucking nuts to have children. After your third near-death experience and fourth death in the family in a decade, it's time to start taking what the old gypsy woman said seriously

Emily Deschanel's pregnancy made that whole thing play out the weirdest way. They're platonic-ish and you see them hug on a bed, then find out in the next scene that they had sex offscreen and she's pregnant, and from that episode on they're just a happy domestic couple. It was a weird kind of anticlimax meets

I don't think it's the scandal everyone wants it to be, from what I've gathered about it he just took a break and decided he didn't want to come back. He was always kinda slumming it on the show, and I guess when Batfleck taps you for blockbusters you just go with it.

I feel like having all these people critiquing your appearance in internet comments can't help with that.

In Reno, just to watch him die?

Oh, I wasn't generalising, I know it's specific people within that demographic

Notice we're not talking about women who didn't vote for Clinton, but rather people who voted for an accused rapist with a history of publicly harassing and demeaning women

That was one of the weirdest things about this election cycle. I can almost understand that she was judged by his policies because people had seen them in action and couldn't be bothered to assess hers, but often she was punished for his infidelity as if it was A) her fault, or B) at all relevant

You're right, people do convince themselves to love the shackles.

Again, I'm not thinking of people that simplistically, I'm just wondering how women rationalise supporting a man who brags about sexual assault and justifies that behavior after the fact. Maybe I am closed minded here, I don't know, I'm just baffled that there isn't a line there

Slightly different, but I was fucking furious when Pablo Hidalgo tweeted on election day that 'on the bright side, the next four years will be a great time for art. Think of how many great movies came out of the 30's and 40's'

There's "conservative" and then there's voting directly against your own interest

That's a sentiment that's often expressed in a misogynistic way, but we seriously need to get our shit together and take better care of each other. I keep hoping it will be easier when we aren't elbowing each other out of the way for the few seats at the table open to women, or we don't feel like we have to compete

Wealthy, educated white women also need to open their eyes to the fact that maybe they don't feel like sexism exists because it inordinately affects the more vulnerable of us

They've set up the Mary/Darnley dynamic so well. It was rough watching that last scene, on one hand cheering Mary on for dragging his ass, on the other knowing she was beginning to dig her own grave.