
Toby is a creep. I've never forgiven him for that hat

Exactly, Kate and Kevin are like funny supporting characters who have accidentally been given equal airtime on This is Randall (which, frankly, could be a better show)

I'm pretty sure I've just seen at least 3 comments in this thread be marked as spam and removed, can AVC please get on this problem? I had it too with my Disqus, the only way I can reliably comment is with this account (I guess because I made it through AVC before Disqus was a thing here). A few of us have emailed and

The ashes are purely decorative?

Most of the time Randall and his family are the only characters in the present I have any interest in

I've seen that poker plot at least twice before, and seriously, TV's idea of the kinds of fun, sexy crime that poor people must constantly be turning down always cracks me up. Hey, kid, you're pretty speedy. You ever consider… street racing?

Yeah her disgust at the idea of laying in bed together eating snacks and watching tv was telling, dating her must be fucking exhausting. It's not like she has passions or aspirations she'd rather be pursuing, she's just genuinely averse to the kind of relationship where you can fully relax into a quiet moment

This definitely doesn't feel like a natural progression of who she was in season 1 and 2, but it doesn't even feel like who she was at the end of Panic in Central Park either. I kinda think it's shitty writing

I'm with you. She's had moments of truly unforgivable self-absorption and narcissim, but she's never been this callous before. I'm glad Ray is well-adjusted enough to not only walk away but not take her horrible behavior to heart, either. He's just done, and it seems like he has been for a while.

I'm just so goddamn frustrated with Marnie. I've defended her and rooted for her all this time, and last season after The Panic in Central Park I had so much hope for her growth over these last 10 episodes, especially after realising she loved Ray. I was so sure that relationship would be positive for both of them,

I think it can be both - he's abusive by nature, so of course he'll put it back on her, but I don't think it's conscious manipulation. I think he genuinely believes that it's something she does that makes him a monster, not the other way around

Thank god someone else noticed that

All the teachers on this show have been pretty shitty. The way Abigail's basically just sat Madeline down and said 'okay, sweetie, tell her how we decided together that you're moving in with your dad' really pissed me off. I don't doubt she meant well, but jesus christ, she's a teenager, of course she's mopey,

I hadn't suspected Ed, but now him subtly threatening to kick Nathan's ass in a way that anyone else hearing about it completely dismisses seems like potential foreshadowing.

As someone who's mom was That Poor Single Mother in a small, wealthy town, Madeline taking Jane under her wing and standing up for her and her son really warms my heart. Early on it seemed like kind of a self-serving, patronising thing to do, and she's still prone to overstep and micromanage, but their friendship

Agreed, Kai was magic (heh) and I think they fucked up hard by not following through with the Spike-esque quasi redemption story they started with him. They needed a new season one era Damon, who the gang begrudgingly keep around even though he's a homicidal maniac, because darn it if he isn't pretty charming and

Yeah, Jonathan's genuine horror at realising what they'd done is what makes that scene bearable for me. It was almost too accurate a depiction of how these things really happen, and how people can convince themselves (and each other) that they aren't doing anything wrong. I feel like Warren, Andrew and Jonathan

Ah, I'm the rare viewer who has liked April ever since Meredith took her under her wing

It's kinda funny because I binge-watched Buffy my first time through, and though I wish I had the experience of watching season 1-3 weekly when it was airing, I think 5-7 actually play a lot better if you watch them all at once (or, you know, over a couple weeks)