
Oh, yikes. I hadn't even heard about this until now. That's just… it's fucked when the world is so on-the-nose about it's terribleness

Those of us who survived the Bowling Green Massacre would have thoroughly enjoyed it

Well, Lois, if you must know, I find this meatloaf rather shallow and pedantic

That episode where they accidentally break open a bean bag on the stairs and then sled down them on pillows screaming IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME might be my favorite moment of television, if just for stone-cold sober James walking into it with the most baffled expression

I will say that often it's more self-aware, which I guess plays into that desperation to be classier. Like there's always a snarky narrator or really mean but hilarious editing that makes the joke at the expense of the vapid narcissist 'stars' and sometimes the audience for watching it. Which I love, I've never

I think I stand by early True Blood, I remember season 2 being kinda brilliant (granted, this was in high school)

There really are some brilliant editors working wasting away in reality tv

I've recently fallen victim to the trashier side of British reality television, the absolute worst of which (and, of course, my favorite) is Ex on the Beach. It's just horrible narcissists treating each other horrendously and goddamn, I love it. The most recent episode introduced this maniac who just out of nowhere

If you mean Minnick's magic teaching technique that they can't properly explain using show or tell, I'm with you

In a way though, it wouldn't be the worst thing. A pairing between two original cast members I adore would at least be something I had a personal investment in, as opposed to petty drama between people like Riggs and Maggie

I'll be honest, I'm looking forward to the Japril-centric episode next week, if only for a reprieve from Minnick and this whole insane drama. If I was interested in this arc, except done well, I'd just rewatch season 9.

It's the year Spike lives chained up in Giles's bathtub and they watch Passions together while he drinks blood out of a Kiss The Librarian mug, so maybe the most fun

Something Blue elevates the whole season for me

'Lil Bad sounds like what Spike would name his, uh, stake, just saying

I think part of the problem was Buffy just always seemed out of place at college. I mean, I'm sure part of that was intentional, Willow was always going to mesh better in an academic setting. But for some reason Buffy in a college lecture just always felt vaguely wrong to me, so building the season around her college

Maybe I'm alone here, but I felt like the show flourished without Angel right away. I always found his whole deal a bit of a drag on Buffy but loved him on Angel, so him leaving was a double win for me

100% agreed

Definitely choices, but also I think their core nature.

The Scourge of Carpathia! The Sorrow of Moldavia!

As soon as he got over his sad schoolboy thing for Buffy, I adored Xander. Well, aside from absolutely despising what he and Willow did to Cordelia. And what he did to Anya. Wait a minute…..