
'Your shirt…' still floors me

Yeah, I feel like season 6 revealing that the scariest monsters are people, bills, mortality and mental illness was a little too accurate a way to transition from Highschool Is A Horror Movie to Adulthood Is A Neverending Suffer-fest. I totally get why people hated the depressing tone, but I do think it was brilliant

Great interview. I'd never really thought about it like that, because Buffy was so formative to me and kinda rooted in context with my childhood, but the whole Warren/Trio storyline really was ahead of it's time. I haven't watched it in a couple years, so I'd be interested to see how it feels to revisit it now that it

Yeah, I'm not sure they're going into the juiciest parts of Mary's life at all, which is a shame. I think they stalled at French court too long, wondering if they should stretch the timeline to 8 seasons. If they'd known it was 4, I would have LOVED to see their version of Rizzio's death. Still mourning this goddamn

It's brilliant, but if blatant inaccuracies are a dealbreaker you're wasting your time completely

Mary and Greer throwing blueberries was actually the cutest goddamn thing. And with Mary's giant dog! Plus in that sunlight I finally noticed Adelaide Kane's freckles and fell in love with her all over again

It really is like he's gaslit everyone into believing he's the nicest guy who ever lived. At this point the only thing that really sets him apart from Damon is that Damon is less pleasant

I mean at least Elena's still working toward a career as a doctor and wants to have kids, travel, etc. That she'd like the guy she loves to be a part her future doesn't really remove her agency or make her less independent, just human

There has definitely been once or twice where someone has marked me as spam out of spite (I once spoke ill of Don Draper, pray for me) and it seems like those are like black strikes against my account that make any comment I edit or add formatting to suspicious, or something. And reposting a similar comment to the

To be fair, Caroline having a traditional wedding at all is completely ridiculous. I'm kinda glad we're only suffering through the indignity of a faux one instead of a big perfect fluffy princess affair that we're supposed to find moving

'pending moderation by AV Club' ?

For me it's constantly being marked as spam for no good reason. They sit pending forever, and no one responds to my emails about it

I'm so baffled by all of this. Usually a last season is a kind of renaissance, where the writers are inspired by their graduation goggles and take the opportunity to pick up old threads, lean on the most solid relationships and mirror early story beats/motifs. I'd actually argue it's fine that the villain/s are weak

That's what I thought too. I was sure he was properly done for during the hiatus, but the way they're handling it doesn't seem like your usual dead character closure

Am I crazy to think Leith might be alive?

I never really liked Gideon, but for whatever reason I've warmed to him this season. He's a peach, really, isn't he.

I'm not usually one to speculate about this stuff (partly because it's crass, mostly because I don't care) but it seriously wouldn't surprise me if those two actors are banging. There's serious chemistry there even when you see them actively trying to be all sibling-y

To be fair, every mystery/crime show works with these kinds of red herrings and arc-wide misdirections, HTGAWM has just been super blatant about it. The format is definitely only for people who can suspend disbelief and just enjoy the ride, but since S2 it's been totally up front that every smoking gun until the

But it's not like she brought it up out of nowhere, she was responding to what she thought Laurel was implying. And the financial side of it isn't super relevant when you'll be a single mother who is mourning the murder of the father, potentially committed by someone close to you

I know Bonnie has a pretty cold demeanour, but even before she responded that's the vibe I got from Laurel too, she was asking about whether Annalise felt happy during her pregnancy and she's been generally scared, angry and confused.