
Laurel digging out Bonnie for telling her she would help her with the logistics of an abortion if that's what she decided was so fucked up. She was trying to be a friend, just letting her know she had options and wasn't alone

YES. A few seasons ago it was cathartic to see them confront her about how much their involvement with her has derailed their lives, but it's about time they address all the shit they got themselves into that Annalise covered their asses for. Above all she adored Wes, looked out for him and loved him like a son. She

It's so disingenuous I'm starting to find her shady. She was there…

Ollie is officially a member of Keating Six and I love it. I mean, sucks for him, but still

And present an unsustainably idealised version of themselves, too. Dating is rough, man

Yeah, I think the only time Summer is really 'a bitch' is when she invites him to her party without telling him she's engaged and her fiance will be there, but that's more inconsiderate than evil

Tom: She took a giant shit on my face. Literally.
Alison: Literally?
Tom: No, not literally - that's disgusting. Jesus, what's the matter with you?

I actually find Summer refreshing after being soured on Zooey because of early New Girl. By contrast she's much more of an actual weirdo, but with a more low-key energy

I guess the Autumn thing depends on your perception. High school me was very content with the idea that they lived happily ever after, but now I think it's just the first time he feels that old optimism of his again since the heartbreak. Maybe they'll fall in love, maybe they won't even end up going out, the important

I agree about the continuous Expectations/Reality titles killing some potential subtlety, but I guess it's better to hedge your bets and make sure the audience has a clear idea of when fantasy begins and ends in these kinds of movies

Yes! My favorite thing about this film is all the little moments where she really gives him the opportunity to connect with her on a real level, or at least understand her, and he breezes by it because he's so caught up in his blissful idea of them. Like when she's trying to explain her love of Ringo Starr or he's

Not as an anti semite, but they're like "thank you for normalising our cause" and I'm inclined to believe they know what they're talking about in regards to what normalises/promotes their agenda

I wasn't talking about the WSJ. They were saying 'the scorn he's been getting' generally was unreasonable, and I disagree

Yeah, I think that's where people are misunderstanding me here. I'm not saying he IS anti-semitic, or has intentionally been anti-semitic. I'm saying it's seriously irresponsible to pay people to broadcast hate speech as a joke - specific, violent hate speech, not a racist joke with an edgy punchline. If I'd

I've seen 5 of the 9 videos people have been referencing, and it's clear he thinks it's funny that people would seriously think he's an antisemite, and often that's at least part of the joke. I know there are other instances where he basically is just like 'random Hitler! loolllllll' which is mostly just stupid, but

I mean… the Fiverr thing was pretty irresponsible. Even if you think it's been blown out of proportion, surely you can concede that some criticism has been warranted

I'm not disagreeing with you, but it bothers me that he's basically using that argument to discredit valid criticism of his actions. The issue is getting clouded in a really unproductive way and it almost seems like he's playing the victim to shift the blame here

"Wouldn't it be funny if I was a huge anti-semite?" doesn't really land in a world where it's very, very plausible that he could be. Non-critically imitating a bigot isn't particularly good satire, and if you're unclear enough that white supremacist groups take you at face value I think the only decent thing to do is

I mean I'm super bi so you could say I'm bi-ased (I'm going to hell for that one…) but yeah especially with gender becoming more fluid and, in a lot of ways, arbitrary, I've always felt most people could be sprung on someone of the same gender under the right circumstances. I get that that's not everyone's

Of course there are. When they feel the need to constantly 'boast' about how unequivocally straight they are it's a little suss, is the point