
Of course not. The way I interpreted it was that guys who brag about how super duper totally straight as an arrow they are make you raise an eyebrow, which I've definitely experienced

I'd hazard a guess most of us did already have 'nobody in particular' listed as our special someone today, so

Spin us a tale of economic anxiety and swamp drainage

I think this was one of those conversations where tone of delivery would be key

That 'our friends would be mortified to identify as straight' crack is going to get a lot of hate, but seriously, people who go out of their way to tell you how much they could NEVER under ANY circumstance be attracted to ANY member of the same gender protest way too much. And it's always apropos of nothing during a

I'm tired of people acting like actively participating in violent hate speech and supporting communities that seek to murder/torture/generally harm the oppressed is less serious if it's done "as a troll". Either that's a feeble excuse for their genuine racism or they're such a selfish, black-hearted child that they

Glad I'm not the only one who noted the vibe between Adelaide Kane and Dan Jeannotte, it's always uncomfortable when they accidentally cast actors who have a non-sibling kind of chemistry

Agreed. Particularly the pointed "Michael was an unreliable narrator…… but I am not" basically beating me over the head with "That season 1 foreshadowing was deliberate" and yet I was still blindsighted

What? They had plenty of convoluted reasons to keep them apart and tortured ultimatums, S3 so far had been the only break from that - and that's if you don't include his recovery from the shooting

This joke is getting so tired

One of them is 27, and her main high school love interest was played by an actress in her 30's

It makes sense anyway, he comes during the second attack after they've retreated. This way Jon and his brothers get their chance to successfully defend the wall on their own, which is cool

[SPOILERS] To me it actually would have made less sense if Stannis had shown up to save the day, since this was just the first wave

Yeah, that whole date scene was way more cheesy fairy-tale ish than it seemed in the book

I loved the book but found this really, really boring and cliche in parts.

Episodes like this are why it's so silly to accuse Kaling of using this show as a big ego trip, even in these grand romantic moments she refuses to make her character a glamorous princess, she'd rather end the big kiss with her accidentally flushing her hair down the toilet or laying on the ground next to a cigarette

'You dated Dr. L? From work?'

You guys always make me feel peer pressured to judge this show but man, I love it. It's solidly, consistently laugh out loud funny and for whatever reason I'm more invested in Danny/Mindy than I have been in a couple for a long time

NO I don't have another vest. I'm not a hedge funder.

I kinda think she's used perfectly. I remember an early episode or two featured her more heavily and she was a bit much. I love that she pops out of the woodwork to deliver the perfect line, makes it all the more hilarious