
Good for you, Richmond, I guess. I like the Ernies.

It's easy to forget that GWAR comes out of Richmond's rich music scene, along with bands like Lamb of God, Pig Destroyer… the Flatliners? and, uh, the Ernies.

"Carl Sandburg, PI."

Hell yeah, First Wave is great unless they play some dumb 9 minute experimental track.

You know, like a liar.

Hey! Three people whose comedy I'm supposed to like but don't really! [Just kidding. One of them is okay.]

I'm implying that your mother is promiscuous!

It's weird— I like third-wave ska/skacore shit a lot, but I've slowly learned that anytime a girl says on her online dating profile that's she into any of that, she ends up being a terrible person.

He didn't say he HAS to.

With guest appearance by MC 900 ft Jesus!

Yeah, and then they're like "Why'd you make me listen to this horrible shit?"

Was Sam Kinison really annoying and squawky? Because if he was, this guy fits perfectly.

From what I understand, it can't really be cancelled— it happens 24/7 for 12 days, and that's it. You can follow along as you watch desperate and tired people try to answer questions at 3 AM from your computer, if you like. Sounds fun!

Pictured: Peter Capaldi, Craig Ferguson, the two other guys from The Smiths who never had any luck with this sort of thing

Woah, @avclub-09b0473510b1cd745c903edc271ffb52:disqus , no need to dunk on stand-up. I'm pretty sure the results would be worse if an improv person tried to do stand up.


Why does Spike Lee not have enough money?

(a question that’s plagued theologians and philosophers for centuries, their only answer being, “Dunno. Maybe ask the guy from Growing Pains?”)

Why pay 10 bucks for their polished, completed work, when you could pay $1500 for some unfinished, rough-sounding stuff?

I got one and I ain't even a gimmick or nothing. I need a little time to think about it, but it'll actually be a somewhat controversial pick. No more Black Eyed Peas for this guy!