
Waiting for Actually Billy Corgan. Everyone stop posting.

Holocaust skinny? Finally, someone using that term non-derisively! 6'1", 120 lbs, and SEXY.

How does real Cookie Monster feel about it, though?

My father also loves Richard Thompson, and got to meet him a month ago when he bought "special" tickets for a concert. I don't think I've ever seen the guy happier.
[My personal favorite Thompson song is probably "The Way That It Shows," "Can't Win" [holy shit the live version on Watching the Dark], or, for fun, "I

"Look, I'm just saying, maybe get together with Peter Buck for a project? You don't even have to call it R.E.M. I just really want you guys to work together."

Truly, Cranston's performance as Hal is one for the ages.

As another comic, I didn't know who this guy was. But he was 90 and seemed to do all he set out to do, and we should all be so lucky to go as he did.

I read this as "Drake assassinates 14 foreign dignitaries!"

Aw, oops.

"The Tolerability Index: Brought to You by Drugs"

We'll outsource it to China, and rename it "The Soul-Crushing Low-Paying Factory Job"

Aw, come on, these guys are totally better than Dishwalla.

I don't understand what I'm considering here.

I'd listen to "Three Ringos and a Different Vocalist."

his next tattoo is going to be an "RE" sandwiched in front of BAKED

So sayeth John Mulaney!
"Ice-T has been on the force for, oh, a decade or so, but he still treats every case like it's his first."

So sayeth John Mulaney!
"Ice-T has been on the force for, oh, a decade or so, but he still treats every case like it's his first."

And Arrested Development forgot about Steve Holt. [Says the actor who played Steve Holt.]

And Arrested Development forgot about Steve Holt. [Says the actor who played Steve Holt.]

In the Nick of Time: Ten Characters Who Cut Themselves Shaving