
Having worked on this show, the lack of smokers isn't for lack of trying on their part. They had plenty of realistic herbal cigarettes, but a real dearth of extras willing to smoke them. Generally they'd get 10 out of 70 or so extras to smoke in any given scene.

A little late here but confirming that the Quesarito is the bomb. It has no right to taste as good as it does. NO RIGHT.

Aw, come on, Taco Grande is a CLASSIC.

But I'm in the second video, so I'm real!

I, uh, Ed McMahon was alive.

These clips were good! I enjoyed them. I did not misread the title, and I actually listened to the clips to form an opinion on them.

Where is the "Low-level Comedians that Comment on the AV Club" show

I've seen enough white dudes with acoustic guitars cover this one, thanks.

Soul Coughing, "Circles"… and I'm done

"Kiss Me On the Bus," The Replacements

XTC, "Mayor of Simpleton"

I auditioned in person in November '12, passed the test, and am slowly coming to grips with the fact that I might have been too boring for Jeopardy.

That had "Seven" by Animal Chin, which ended up being one of my favorite songs to this day.

Exactly. Find some like-minded people to play with, and you can make as many crappy/fun decks out of cheap cards you want. I still trade people valuable cards for bulk rares [cards that have no monetary value]. The guy I'm trading with looks at me like I'm an idiot, but I get more cards than he does, and math

Boy, I hope this book is as good as his Jimmy Kimmel set!

"It can even be some over-the-clothes suspended disbelief. How about that?"

"Aw, come on baby, just suspend your disbelief for a little bit. That's all I'm asking."

Fantastic argument, putacorkinit! You've won this round for sure!

Good Counsel moved across the street from my middle school, which I believe I was in when the sniper attacks were happening [I think it was being constructed at the time].