
hey guys what'd I miss

hey guys what'd I miss

How about, uh, a lot of stuff by Richard Thompson?

How about, uh, a lot of stuff by Richard Thompson?

"This Cover Sucks"
"Men at Work… OF COCK"
"How Do You Do Italics"
"Everybody Hates the Hater"

Here's a riddle— what's the name of the band whose album got an A this week that also describes what you do when you listen to Norah Jones?

Hmm, you know, I find that Faris woman quite attractive, you know? Yes.

Look, I'm partial to trucker mustache Michael Stipe.

Clearly you haven't been to enough local open mics. This happens. 

Yeah, and considering how much Community's future is in doubt, why would anyone want to rip it off?

No! DJ Roomba!

I would be her bodyguard, she would be my long lost pal!

On the bright side, they can actually say "Excuse me while I kiss this guy" now.

*reluctantly high-fives you, wipes hand off*

Am I a bad comedy nerd if I just don't fucking get Eddie Pepitone?

Look, everyone! It's an enlightened white person!

U.S. Agent should just be a mid-level bureaucrat in a suit who handles Avenger paperwork

Next: Warner Brothers to adapt Egyptian Book of the Dead


"He embezzled millions in a Ponzi scheme? Not our Bernie."