
2103 Ellicott Dr
Silver Spring, MD 20905

Aw, I like you guys. I'll be here to post inconsequential stuff occasionally for years to come.

Been there, done that. Now, if you excuse me, I have to go back to shooting for Community.

Eh, I disagree.

I think Hammer lost his fortune after repeatedly refusing requests not to hurt 'em.

They're filling the pot holes in on Fortune Street…

Yeah, Crazy Crazy Awesome Awesome is so comically bad I am unsure whether or not they are a joke.

Also, due to awkward drawing, the ducks will appear to wish you Merry Christmas several times.

Movies like these continue to make Love Actually look better and better.

Always with the tentacle sex, you.

How is this not an awful rom-com?

Man, why do all these newspaper strip characters have their own Christmas specials? Next, "Christmas with the Lockhorns!" Full of loathing and dread!

You watched this so we didn't have to? Didn't you learn anything from this film? You have to watch it only for yourself!

"Whatever happened to Gary Numan?"
"Answer: He became Gary Oldman!"

Why hasn't Gary Oldman fulfilled his destiny and made a dubstep album yet?

"The Best Albums of the Year, Non Dawes Division"

What we need is some white fellas to rip these songs off!

That song isn't dire! That guy talks about being a cowboy on a steel horse, not having to take down his own equipment and then load it up onto that steel horse every night!

Yeah, I always found XTC's absolute refusal to tour endearing more than anything. Partridge always looks like he's having a good time on Top of the Pops kinda stuff, but he was throwing up backstage.

Napster, my hard drive full of "Weird Al" songs that were actually by random internet dipshits salutes you.