
You creepy, Big Brother-ish.

I'm a sucker for any dystopian novel. 1984, Brave New World, Farenheit 451, Good News by Edward Abbey… I just eat 'em up.

I have both the Fixer and Footnotes in Gaza. Fantastic books. Footnotes in Gaza should be required reading for any Israel/Palestine zealot.

1984, a lot. I also obsessively re-read a book called Complete and Utter Failure by Neil Steinberg.

I think I got a slice of pizza around here somewhere.

Better Yet
Why not some bank robbers dressed as Marshall McLuhan from Annie Hall?

Seconding Since I Left You. What a great album.

I was in elementary school. You now feel very, very old.

Aw, ZMF, what if we made an action comedy for you, with, like, half and half explosions [but, you know, tasteful explosions, none of that Michael Bay shit], believable yet badass characters, and outlandish situations?

The Remberer: Apparently People Don't Know How to Spell "Remember"

Apropos of nothing
Well, maybe something, since every Youtube video I load has this… I don't want to know the inside story, Pete. You look like a nice guy but seriously, enough with the ads.

Hey, it's Danvers from Homicide! And, uh, he played a psychopath on House, I think, and a bad guy in the short-lived and humorously named Touching Evil, which I saw a rerun of on Universal HD…

Fictional drugs?
More like fictional video!

Dave Hemmings? The second drummer from the Housemartins? He did look pretty ageless…

As a slightly more controversial addendum to my earlier post, I'll say that Steely Dan shouldn't be a pejorative; they're good.

As a young person
I am still digging through your music, old people. I like it a lot. And there is so much of it, that I do not think I will have much time for new music. But I do listen to some newer stuff; not out of any interest of "vitality" but because I like it.

I would enjoy seeing O'Neal guest on this column.

Finally, all my reading of scholarly works about the rise and fall of hats is vindicated!

Everybody Hates Chris really wasn't that bad.