
Some other overlooked albums
Harvey Danger's Self-Titled Debut Thingy
Question the Answers by the Mighty Mighty Bosstones
A Date With the Smithereens [kind of a bomb, but Miles from Nowhere, the lead single, is pretty good]
Mirror Blue by Richard Thompson
John Henry by They Might Be Giants

Two tapes I have that I will probably keep forever are a live "Chi-Town" Don Dixon show and the Replacements' The Shit Hits the Fans.

Is Michael Douglas's character in Falling Down who Horn-Rimmed Glasses guy from Heroes is modeled after? It sure looks like it.

As a kid
I collected Pokemon cards. Part of the appeal was, like the little jew I was, I figured I could somehow make serious money off of them. Another thing I remember was trying to convince my parents that they were "learning tools" because I was learning new vocabulary words from the cards.

In Milton's defense, he couldn't really see what country he was betraying.

Comedians today have no substance

The first song I ever truly loved was a cover of Brenton Wood's "Gimme Little Sign" by music producer Don Dixon.

Also, I'm eagerly looking forward to humming shit to the experts from the AV Club so they can tell me what it is.

Next Week: The AV Club asks you how high your doorframe is off the ground!

Yeah, why aren't we at war with the fictitious country of Lybia?

Boy oh boy
The starwhackers aren't gonna like this.

Adam Baldwin and Celine Dion.

Where Have All the Merrymakers Gone? and Whatever and Ever Amen win. Thanks for playing.

Because in its present form, this sounds hilarious.

Foreign Pokemon cards were hot items here in the states. I was pretty psyched I had a German Charmander, at the time.

Uncle Leo RIP
It's a day of mourning in the Seinfeld comments.

I loved Blues Clues as a kid. [For the record, I'm 18.] Murray is right on the money when he says the show creates this sort of immersive world for kids to escape into daily. I knew everything there is to know about where they lived, all the little details of the house, and I prided myself on how I figured out the

Wasn't there already some old person superhero movie? Am I imagining this? I distinctly recall its awful-looking self being advertised in Nick magazine.

Barry Zuckercorn was the best. That's why it's so late, it took so long to think of.

Never Say Never Ever Again, I Mean It This Time