
Hudson Ridge, baby.

I want to believe
that the "being awesome 24/7" is a subtle MikeMartz dig.

The unemployment rate is going to jump 11.5% in three months? You sure have a sterling grasp of reality!

Hey, I just asked who the hell she was.

Yeah, Presidents never go on vacation!

Okay, so who is she?
She's a talk show host? I'd seen her name bandied about by the crowd that gleefully consumes pop culture about stupid people to comfort themselves, but had no clue who she was.

Dude, you overestimate the intelligence of these poll respondents by about a billion. Maybe, MAYBE, 5% of people who said yes were like that. The rest honest-to-God believe that the President is a "half-breed Muslin" born in Kenya.

Are we sure?
Maybe he just butt-bumped a hideous old woman who happened to be on stage at the time.

I'm still refusing to believe he's nothing more than a clever joke. No one could possibly be that deluded, yeah?

I remember I ruined an early iMac by sticking a tiny CD in it as a little one.

What movie star's name can be scrambled into CROM TUISE and starred in Mission Impossible 3? Check back tomorrow when I give the answer!

Yeah, I know a group of white guys who listen to rap. One of them raps.

The fifth finger of death discount.

What's your favorite Rob Morley album?
I like Conflagration.

it's not open to people who skip most of the alphabet

Kevin Spacey plays a cult leader?
That sounds a little… out there.


I dunno, that trick the devil pulled with the shaving cream in college was pretty good.

Really? His best work, I would say, is using his butchery of the English language to compare himself to Updike. Masterful, he is.

Over Demanding Diva?
But she's Jenny from the Block!