
but entourage has hot females

But what does Mr. Loaf think?

only righteous indignation and sadness from here on out

I remember being in
middle school around the time Stacy's Mom came out, and all these kids were professing to absolutely love these Fountains of Wayne guys [hell, there was even an article in Nick Magazine about them.] But when I asked these kids to name some songs by this new super-popular band, everyone inevitably

I'm really kind of curious as to what golden standard there is for good posters. Are there any good posters, unregistered masses?

Brendan Frasier mooned everybody? I thought they added him in post too.

Eh, I really didn't mean to come off as THAT pedantic. I'm sorry, Zack Handlen. Let's be friends.

What the hell is so fascinating about the ignorant idiots you knew in high school bandying together in some sort of bizarre group with a fabricated worldview and rituals they can subscribe to?

Come on man
Not everything is "smirky" or "smirking." Plus, I'm pretty sure the point of Song for the Dumped is to be petulant, because that's how newly-dumped people feel.

Yeah, that and I was sort of pointing out the fact that "Straker" sounds like a well-intentioned but inept approximation of an actual last name.

Wait until you meet his band, the Cynical Comma Mysterians.

"why is anybody listening to this crackpot author" at sign

Colonel Straker
Any relation to Cernel Joson?

I'm taking a Playstation.

Patrick Warburton plays a Terminator, but… get this… he's STUPID!

My first post was noting how often my dad quoted something from Pee Wee's Big Adventure.

Tooooday on the Diaaaaaane Reeeeeehm show, yooooou chaaaange the chaaaaannel beeeecause Iiiii'm impossible to liiisten toooo.

I'm pretty sure your fish feels the same way, because it is a fish.

we be so much smarter than everybodyone here

Yeah, was going to post this myself. Say what you will about the sillier later seasons, their relationship dynamic became clearer [though maybe a little less realistic.]