
Eh, Carraway didn't like her that much.

Really? I read that as "zombies can't get married, cause that would be pretty weird."

Speaking of manure, I'm stuck at home because my septic tank backed up and my basement flooded! I'm taking a "breathing break" for mopping.

Amazingly, in those 3300 hours
Nowhere does he say that thing to Raquel Welsh about the cat.

I demand people remember who I am.

Or better yet, poop on everything.

I think he meant "Polish last name."

Why would I tune in to you? You just admitted you don't know!

Yeah, really, I'm mostly convinced jocks don't exist, at least the preppy, white kind.

Chalk me up on the side of Hot Fuzz. I've seen it something like 4 times now, and it never gets old. I feel like Shaun of the Dead was the second draft of a really awesome movie, but the ending is a little muddled. Whoever said something about the awesome amount of foreshadowing in Hot Fuzz was spot on, though.

No lobsters, we're sorry we put down your shitty posting

Even when Rabin covers Van Zandt, you people still find a reason to complain [and sandwich in a firstie]. Unbe-freakin-lievable.

If I need to Watch Star Trek Instantly
I'll just turn on Starz2.

You mean "Hank."

Wasn't Bill Nye in that?

Did O'Neal take the day off or something?

I mean, I never said Bush Sr. was a bad president. He wasn't. But there's no evidence Dukakis would have been bad either.

Man, thank God you got in your alternate reality timeline machine and know precisely what would happen if Michael Dukakis was elected! Did you know that if Hubert Humphrey won, America would no longer exist?

On Jokes That Go On Too Long, Then Are Funny Again
I remember listening to a Paul and Storm album, probably the first one, and there's a song that has a sort of "big finish" ending with lots of "oh now it's over" moments… but the song just keeps going on and on. For whatever reason, at the end of the album, there's a