
I was very confused with all the Blue Album hate until I realized the Blue Album came BEFORE Pinkerton! Sense made!

Yeah, really, is this the best kind of elitism to rail against? "Ooh, look at me, I'm well-educated and not obese! I watch television that isn't ridiculously stupid! I'm so SPECIAL!"

Apparently it is a very short line.

And the best part is, at the end, it's revealed they're all gay!

Might As Well Be
"We Can't Write Songs Anymore, But We Still Want to Do Albums:
The Greatest Hits of Soundgarden, Kind of"

When you described Franco's performance as highlighting the artificiality of daytime TV, I was really hoping there'd be scenes where he constantly broke the 4th wall, like turning to the camera and going "Woah, I'm on TV," or walking off-set, like that gag in the lab on Police Squad.

That part in Inception when DiCaprio dived into a giant pit of gold seemed suspect.

Yeah I got that confused with this. Then became more confused. That Merry-Go-Round episode was some scary crap though.

Great minds, Jorge… think of lady parts!

They have backtraced it.

Richie 'The V' Genero
I wonder what the V stands for.

all of us

Heaven's alright if you like harps
Hell's alright if you like accordions

Con Air 2: Dave Chapelle Was in Con Air! Did You Know That? Unfortunately, We Couldn't Find Him. Trust Us, We Looked

Yeah, you queerwad!

man these guys sound like such jerks

So this is like
that Drew Barrymore coloring book that the Onion made up. Man, culture is catching up to satire pretty quickly these days.

…you'd have ten cents?

Terra Nova, delayed?
I guess it's gonna be Terra not-so-Nova.

"John Madden's Helen Mirren-starring Nazi war criminal drama The Debt"