
there is a rabin at the end of this book

Hey, my confusion was better.

About time
I can't wait to see how he handles "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God." It could certainly be just the kind of scene that shows why movies exist; full of drama and outright moving. I'm really surprised Hollywood hasn't mined the "Great Awakening" for ideas more, as it's…

Man, it's a shame that if you disagree with someone's politics, it automatically makes them unfunny.
Black's okay; I don't have any particular affinity for him, but if Lobsters raves about him some more I might like him better.

As a fellow intern, I salute you, Danny!

Two different paragraphs from the same story got Stephen King, then David Foster Wallace.

So let us go now, you and I,
but you will etc etc

Sample Rap
Yo, my name is Joaquin
I like to… um… aw, shit

Thank you, like-minded Haysoos.

I Did Not Heart Huckabees
Don't care what you folks say, that movie BLEW.

As I said before, Violet Crumbles is the gimmick multi that doesn't like anything.

Have you seen the new Poof?


Yeah I was waiting for that to be the entire last paragraph: "Dude. You happy? We did it."

Mel Gibson is indeed Mr. Horrible, it appears.

Yeah, but with Ashton Kutcher in it?

I saw Norton's Hulk on a date and heckled the movie MST3K style the entire time. To be fair, this was in my house, but the date still went poorly.

Was Pinon that guy in Diva?

Hey, Billingham, for the record, I weigh 110. No argument about the glasses, though.

I love the alarm going off at the end. "We totally know where that bullet came from!"