
Soap Operas: BAD ASS

Do the creators of Napoelon Dynamite have an editor?

Are you fucking kidding?

Right now, it's really too early to tell, but I'm erring on the side of over_educated.
Amusingly, though, this seems to boil down to an issue of faith and reason. Lone Audience has faith that the writers will come through and provide an explanation that at least loosely ties the series together and makes sense. Over

Geez, this episode was bad.

I gotta go with 80s music in the vibe of Huey Lewis. Synthesizer is so damn cheesy, but it can make some good pop.

Teach me elocution Tony Danzaaaa

Next movie you should do? Brandon Lee's Laser Mission.

Hopefully, there'll be a ska soundtrack!

Dinner for Schmucks looks kinda funny.

Ozzy's songs weren't THAT annoying.

She plays a hot-headed, environmentally-minded research scientist.

"I Am What I Sweet Potato"?

Yeah, I like this column.

Final Destination 5: Haven't We Already Seen This Movie Before? No, Wait, That Was Final Destination 3

They're eating her!

I see what you did there, but sorry, you missed.

This entire thread is bizarre.

I thought their "March of the Animals in Morgan Freeman's Backyard" sketch would have been hilarious instead of merely good if they had a better Freeman impersonator.

Candy Gram!